Remove duplicate character being blocked out.

SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
In current event Original Black Widow not available, since greysuit is being used. This will happen again with Lazycap/Cap, Lazythor/Thor, ClassicMag/MMN, Daken (and spiderman/bagman, not that anyone will care).

This isn't a problem for 3* folks, they have 22 options to choose from.
This is a huge problem for 2* folks, who only have 12 options to choose from. If they have them all, which is unlikely.

With new healing rules, that's quite a hit from your roster choices, and limits playing further (with less characters to play).

Please allow the same copy (different star levels) be played at the same time.

For the against argument "they are the same person, it doesn't make sense"...why can PVP play the same roster against each other? Thor vs. Thor doesn't make any sense either. Also, I think it was in Brotherhood-8 that one node had all three black widow variants in the developers seem to think it makes fine sense to have multiple copies at the same time.


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    FWIW, I think the rationale of fighting the same people in the PVPs (Thor v Thor, etc) is that you're in the Simulator, which can generate any kind of fight. Think Danger Room, or Holodeck. So it's like if you and two friends went into the Danger Room to fight computer simulated versions of yourselves, but you could only wear one costume yourself. However, since you can only play other teams that also have to start under these conditions, you won't find yourself playing a team with more than one of anything.

    Also, it wasn't the Brotherhood that had the match with the 3 Black Widows, it was a big Simulator event, so the devs would be able to create a match like that under those conditions.
  • Unknown
    Agreed, for someone with a smaller roster this can be a problem. It usually doesn't bother me, but with PvE it can get annoying for someone with a large roster too, since when they restrict your roster, but give you multiple versions of the same character (like with Widow last time), that does limit the line-up choices. But I'd appreciate it if there were more playable characters for PvE anyway. With the current one, only half of the eight available are of any use against stronger opponents, and most people will only have a few She-Hulk covers, or none at all, which limits it further (I have 4 covers, so I can use her fairly well, but she doesn't do much damage at this point).