European Ending Time PVE & PVP

How about making different ending times for us???
Now we are never able to play the last 6-8 hours because they end in the middle of the night/morning?!

That way we miss out on covers and are not able to play the next events where the new covers are required!?

Is there any future plans on this or what?!?


  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Been suggested a ridiculous amount of times before. Devs don't care.
  • Unknown
    So it seems... icon_cry.gif
  • action711
    action711 Posts: 129 Tile Toppler
    Or maybe they do.......

    The last Season 3 PvP finished at 5pm UK time
  • Unknown
    action711 wrote:
    Or maybe they do.......

    The last Season 3 PvP finished at 5pm UK time

    It's always been this way; the event ending on Wednesday ends at 5pm UK time, the other 2 weekly PVPs end 5am UK time.
    As for PVE, I can only remember a single round of Heroic Juggernaut (with Thor rewards) that didn't end at 5am UK time.
  • Unknown
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    action711 wrote:
    Or maybe they do.......

    The last Season 3 PvP finished at 5pm UK time

    It's always been this way; the event ending on Wednesday ends at 5pm UK time, the other 2 weekly PVPs end 5am UK time.
    As for PVE, I can only remember a single round of Heroic Juggernaut (with Thor rewards) that didn't end at 5am UK time.

    Well still seems unfair that "we" get 2 events ending in the early morning!! Were missing out on a lot of covers this way... icon_e_confused.gif
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Valek wrote:
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    action711 wrote:
    Or maybe they do.......

    The last Season 3 PvP finished at 5pm UK time

    It's always been this way; the event ending on Wednesday ends at 5pm UK time, the other 2 weekly PVPs end 5am UK time.
    As for PVE, I can only remember a single round of Heroic Juggernaut (with Thor rewards) that didn't end at 5am UK time.

    Well still seems unfair that "we" get 2 events ending in the early morning!! Were missing out on a lot of covers this way... icon_e_confused.gif
    For PVP you just play earlier and shield up. Never missed out on any covers I wanted. Of course, it eats a lot of HP for at least an 8hr shield each and every tourney.

    The real problem is PVE where we can't protect our ranking.
  • Unknown
    They end at 6 AM for me. When I have to be up early for work, I just get up a little earlier and play. When I don't, I simply get up, play and go back to bed. And since m score usually is around 600 or 700 before the final push, I have to shield anyway, thanks to the new system in PvP (there was a time when you didn't need shields at all, until the last 3 hours, and when you could play the final 20 minutes without being torn to shreds...).
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Valek wrote:
    How about making different ending times for us???
    Now we are never able to play the last 6-8 hours because they end in the middle of the night/morning?!
    In other words, we already do have different end times. You've just imposed it on yourself.
  • Vohnkar
    Vohnkar Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    The events on NA en time ends at 6 a.m. for me, and I prefer that than the European time. European time ends at 6 p.m. At that time I'm working and can't play the last 20 h of the event... so I prefer ending times of 00:00+ at least I'm able to decide If I want to play the event or not. Ending at 18:00 and being an steam user I can't play being at work.

    I'm hoping someday they will add the option to play the steam account on the mobile, at least I would be able to do some extra ISO witha couple of games.
  • Unknown
    I always thought it would be a good idea to group people based also on geographic region and have different ending times for different time zones. Or actually, have the event end 6pm / midnight in every time zone. That would make it much easier for a lot of people. I can't usually get up at 5am just to play another hour to have a chance at getting a better cover / more HP. Shielding is not an option for me either, since I am glad for every HP I can put into additional roster slots.
  • Unknown
    I'd be fine with just shifting times around so sometimes one timezone gets the 6 AM, sometimes another.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have a lot of sympathy, but from a purely selfish perspective the PvP that finish at midnight EDT suit me better. That's 4 pm here. Of the day after.

    When they finish at 4 am the only thing I can do is play until I go to bed and use an 8-hour shield. When they finish at 4 pm I can play over lunch and shield for only 3 hours.

    I think there's a potential grouping advantage as well. If I join a group between 7 and 10 pm here, the Americans will be asleep and the Europeans awake, so the group should be dominated by Europeans. That should mean that the last 3 hours are less perilous for unshielding and a push for the top.

    Theoretically, anyway. I'll give it a try next time an event is due to finish at that time.

    (Edited for idiocy, but left the idiocy in anyway.)

    Of course it won't make the last 3 hours any less perilous. What it will mean is that the leader board will be pretty much static, if I manage a climb to top 5 I'm more likely to stay there.
  • Unknown
    I dont mind the geographic idea....being from Australia a huge number of events finish at midday..…and its rare a job that allows play at work :/
    I hear the use a shield commentary for PvP and its wot I do for PvP....but as others have said pve is effectively ruled out for me.
  • Unknown
    The issue is a bit more serious in my opinion.

    First off, 6 pm (5pm for UK) is NOT an EU friendly end time. Most of us is at work/school or just getting home. In pvp this forces us for a 24 hour shield.

    Second, the problem is with the rubberbanding system being broken in PVE. If you can be top 10 for 2-5-7-10 days, it is not right to fall out of top 200 in the last 8 hours. I am not even trying for personal placement anymore on 6 am ending PVE events, because it is futile.