Some improvements after the true healing change

Can we go back to the previous healing system? icon_e_biggrin.gif No? Ok icon_e_sad.gif
I think a more appropriate way to handle prologue healing would have been what Lyrian mentioned here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8766
Anyway, I guess there is no turning back now with the new healing change, but I have some suggestions for the new system:

1. Call true health simply health, and temporary health something else, maybe armor or shield (S.H.I.E.L.D.?) or whatever. It would make a clearer distinction between the two.

2. Indicate clearly whether an ability provides true or temporary healing in the skill description, both for present and future characters. Yes, you have made changes to the skill descriptions of obw, spidey and she-hulk. However, the term "burst of health" is still vague, especially for newbies to the game. Following point #1, "gain x health" and "gain x armor" would be more unambiguous.

3. Make a separate bar for true health and "temporary" health. The current visual indicator of temporary health is simply a lighter shade of the normal health bar, which is quite difficult to see. (I play on my phone; I'm not really sure what it looks like on the Steam version.) Also, I want to know the exact numerical value of how much temporary health I have left. I do not, however, want to know this by memorizing my current health every time I cast a temporary healing ability such as anti-gravity device. A separate bar would remedy this.

4. Allow true health + temporary health to go beyond a character's max health. This follows from point #3. I find it baffling that the purpose of temporary health is to block a certain amount of damage from going to your true health, and yet, to make full use of this ability, you have to take the exact same damage that you were hoping to block in the first place.

That's all icon_e_smile.gif