Now what, devs?

So you've done it. You changed the pace of the game by cutting off the meta healing aspect. Okay, fine. What next? Please don't tell me you are satisifed with the game's current status. That would really make me a sad panda.

1) Will you bring more 2* characters to let the 2* tier have something achievable to focus on? That might even help them in the long run to gain better prizes through roster variation. Or are you adamantly focused on introducing only new 3* characters? They take too much ISO already.

2) Will you finally fix the MMR problem so L141 teams can focus mainly on eating each others faces and "lesser" teams can mainly battle among themselves?

3) Would you pretty please, sugar on top, do something about the repetitiveness of this game? It's always same events and same enemies with a slightly different wrappings. Only new adds past 6 months has been introduction of alliances, Simulator PvE and few new playable 3* characters. But even those don't bring the badly needed variation to this game. Where are the new tournament modes? Where are new enemies? Why there is no co-operative mode of any kind in PvE?

True Healing doesn't affect my playing much anymore. Nevertheless I think it was a stupid change but that's just another huge problem IMO: it's only a slight change to how things already roll. It's nothing new, nothing exciting. What really bites me is that MPQ has not progressed much as a game past 6 months. Where's my carrot to better my roster? And why do you continuously shove me with sticks?

We repeat same events with slowly progressing rosters and that's it. That, my dear devs, is the True Definition of boring.