Additional changes needed for PvP

Well after playing a couple matches today i had a great idea that will even up pvp matches (and make D3 a lot of money).

Why not restrict pvp matches to a couple of heroes/villains like in some pve events. This way those of with smaller rosters can compete a lot easier against anyone who supports the game by buying covers or who just ground their way to a large roster. This will also force people to play different rosters as is your stated goal. You can't trust people otherwise. A new optimal team will form (LDaken, Patch, whoever for example) and you'll need to think up another crazy scheme to get those players to play the game how you guys envisage it.

Of course you aren't going to get as much ISO now from playing so why not increase the rewards. Add in a reward for getting to 1500 or even 2000 points. Make it the holy grail like all 13 covers and 100k ISO. People will fall over themselves buying health packs trying to get it. Some people might grind themselves to death trying to get these rewards but think of the free publicity when the media run the story on the news. Hardcore gamers from all round the world will flock to MPQ. Its a win/win.

Anyways that is about all i could come up with while i am waiting for my team to regen. Don't worry i'll have plenty of time to come up with loads of ideas now i have more free time on my hands.


  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Not going to happen.

    D3 have said in the past that restricted roster PVP events don't generate anywhere near enough revenue for them.
  • Unknown
    Within the last month and a half they have had a couple. Dark Avengers, and a One-Star tournament. They've said that they generate less play time, less interest, and what it all ultimately boils down to - less revenue for them. Featured 3* characters sell cover packs. Limited rosters don't.