With the new changes D3 is bettering my life!

zonatahunt Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
Before the "true-healing" update to MPQ I would have sat down this morning for a 2+ hour session. Well, no more of that time wasted! With a diverse roster of 41 and 9 characters above level 100 I embarked upon that magical journey the Devs promised would make gameplay better.


What's this? After four nodes in the Juggernaut Heroic My LIMITED diverse character pool is either dead or so effed-up that taking them into battle would be a futile venture.


Still waiting for the magical journey to begin by playing a game without healing. But I have all the character diversity that's supposed to make it perfect. But after four battles I'm hampered. What to do?

I could buy health packs!!!!!


Enough with the sarcasm, as this move on D3's part was no secret; we knew it was coming. In IceIX's Q&A thread a while back he promised a change to the game's healing properties that would make the player-base "Hulk Smash Angry". What kind of company purposefully enacts a change to their product that they know will infuriate the majority of their customers? A poorly run one, that is only concerned with making money now.

This is a blatant "cash-grab", and to tell any of us otherwise is an insult to our intelligence.

I will now be canceling my imaginary membership to this game and will spend that extra two hours D3 gave me today to do something outside in the sun. D3, you're right, this was a great change...I get my life back AND hopefully my loss of money spent to your company helps sink your ship. Well, it was fun...right?
