Moonstone cant steal Furys countdowntiles

Yeah, thats it. I was against Nick Fury, so ofcourse ill play with my good team, including DD and Moonstone. And Loki. Nick made a blue countdowntile, I tried to steal it with Ms black and it didnt do anything. Just pulsing. And also, when I clicked the tile, there was no explanation text about countdown tile, just the info how much it will do damage when It shatters.

Is this a bug or intended? Shouldnt Moonstone to be able to steal any countdowntile with the black ability?


  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Are you trying to steal his AP stealing CD tile or his trap? I don't know how you'd see his trap, but his only countdown tile has "steals 3 AP from the enemy's strongest color before converting to a 42 Strike tile" as it's ability. Nick shoots you for damage before placing the CD tile, you'd only get the AP steal and then you'd get a strike tile. I'll have to attempt to recreate this, interesting.
  • That blue tile with number in it, It chanced to a strike tile just before Fury died and game ended and I won. I thought that his traptiles are like Daredevils, that i cant see them if I am against him? Dont know, that was the first time I played against him and I dont have him. But I had enough black and tried to steal it at my every turn that it was in the board and nothing happened.