Thank you devs...

Chaga Posts: 30
...for the last healing nerf you implemented.
Your game was becoming a huge money sink on my pocket (talking 300$/month at least), and now I finally got the incentive to quit playing.
Such a shame I bought 3 Stark Salaries during the sale though.


  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
  • Unknown
    Let it be a valuable lesson to you to quit spending so much money on a game that produces such little content and treats their customers with contempt.

    In the future, reward game devs once they have proven they deserve it.
  • Chaga
    Chaga Posts: 30
    I am not discussing the healing nerf, just informing them how they just lost a paying customer.
  • Chaga
    Chaga Posts: 30
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Let it be a valuable lesson to you to quit spending so much money on a game that produces such little content and treats their customers with contempt.

    In the future, reward game devs once they have proven they deserve it.

    Up till now, the game was a great source of entertainment for me. I pay as long as I am entertained and have something to kill time with.
    Now it won't serve its purpose as a time killer since, I will need to wait for my characters to regen, which means I cannot play on my time anymore, thus doesn't serve its purpose anymore.
  • Unknown
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Let it be a valuable lesson to you to quit spending so much money on a game that produces such little content and treats their customers with contempt.

    In the future, reward game devs once they have proven they deserve it.

    They made it highly addictive so it's too late when you realize you got caught.

    My first spendings were only related to the fact I was not aware of Scaling, MMR and so forth. I did not discover the forum immediately.

    You need some "experience" to understand how the game is working.

    Sometimes I even wonder if sleepless nights make the game more valueable to me, and if the situation was not like this, if I'd enjoy it more or less.
  • Chaga
    Chaga Posts: 30
    That's for the user who downrated me saying I was bluffing.
  • Unknown
    Chaga wrote:
    Up till now, the game was a great source of entertainment for me. I pay as long as I am entertained and have something to kill time with.
    Now it won't serve its purpose as a time killer since, I will need to wait for my characters to regen, which means I cannot play on my time anymore, thus doesn't serve its purpose anymore.

    Well, you could always endlessly grind Prologue with your 1*/2* leftover characters. That's a whopping 20 ISO each battle. Hurry, before they take away *that* too!