Stop charging for roster spots

GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
This is in the "fall on deaf ears" department, but whatever.

If the goal of 'true healing' is to truly promote diversity on rosters (it's not, but again, whatever), then we shouldn't have to pay to open a slot for a new character.

If you want to charge out the window for duplicates, then that's fine. But when we get the shiny new she-hulk to use in diverse situations, we shouldn't have to fork over HP to do so.


  • Unknown
    Or they should at least keep it at a set freaking price. Instead of it increasing all the time. Or make it cost ISO or something. Anyways you make a good point, with this patch they are trying to promote diversity with using different covers, yet if that truly was the case, then as you said they should make opening up roster spots free then if that's what they are trying to promote. If they don't then aren't they being hypocrites? "Oh we want to promote more diverse cover usage" oh ok then so the rostor spots will be free now I presume? "Um no they still cost HP" why? They literally can not answer that question without completely outing themselves as the money hungry people they are or making themselves look like complete hypocrites.