Defensive team?

I've heard some stuff about defensive teams recently, stuff I don't necessarily like, and I want to be sure: How, how, HOW do they pick your defensive team?


  • Unknown
    Are you asking what team you have on defense? If so, then it is the last team that you win a match with.
  • Unknown
    pbrownusmc wrote:
    Are you asking what team you have on defense? If so, then it is the last team that you win a match with.
    Yes that's what I'm asking, and thank you for good news. I'd heard someone say it was the last team you lost with, which I did not like the sound of.
  • Unknown
    It used to be the last team you won with was your defensive team. However, lately it seems that the last team you used (won or lost) is your defensive team. Not verified. Might be a bug.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    It used to be the last team you won with was your defensive team. However, lately it seems that the last team you used (won or lost) is your defensive team. Not verified. Might be a bug.

    This was fixed yesterday.

  • Unknown
    Nemek I hate you.