Crisis Kit

Random suggestion of the day: add a new consumable. Call it something awesome like Crisis Kit. Regenerates much slower than health packs but revives all downed characters. If you only have one of these every 24 hours you would be best served to use as much of your roster as possible, really push it to the limit and then bring everyone back into the fight. If you played till half your roster was downed and you are out of health kits it would be several hours for your 3*s to even revive themselves something like this would allow you to make the most of your available time, encourage diversity much more than the proposed healing changes could ever hope to alone.

With the nerfs to healing coming those who can play a little every few hours will be able to adapt to the new system the easiest. A mechanic like this would help those who only have set times they can play and want to make the most of it, which I imagine includes a large portion of steam players.



  • Unknown
    But that might make us willing to take risks instead of playing the ultra-safe, absolutely no-risk version of the game they seem to want us playing. They want everyone only taking on the easiest team they can find, at all times, or never play. Making a loss anything but catastrophic is completely against the spirit of MPQ.
  • Unknown
    See, you admit this might be fun. Will likely never happen, but it would be fun. And if they sold em for 500 HP someone out there would still buy em lol.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    See, you admit this might be fun. Will likely never happen, but it would be fun. And if they sold em for 500 HP someone out there would still buy em lol.

    Oh yes. Let's assist these moneygrabbing asshats by thinking up even more monetization venues...
  • Unknown
    I think it would be a good mechanic, only even suggesting putting a price tag on it because it makes it that much more likely the devs would even bother to read the suggestion
  • Unknown
    If they did come out with this, two things would happen:

    It would get its price increased by a princely sum shortly afterrelease (on one side, they would increase the cost if it was selling well to capitalize, or they would increase the cost to make up for lost revenues of adding a poorly selling item to game. Regardless, the cost would go up shortly after release in a ninja patch)

    Next, they would increase the amount of time a hero is Downed. They would try to sell it as part of their diversification movement, allowing you to "have fun with new characters instead of the same 3 repeatedly".

    Now excuse me while I rush off to a lawyer and have my intellectual property patented.