Possible new use for extra covers?

With True Healing being added to push users to diversify roaster and level as many characters up as possible, i was thinking about how D3 can add an additional element to the mix to help LVL up character that get no ISO love. below is an example using my roaster:

I made the three star transition before i needed to lvl up many of my 2** characters. all of these Characters are fully covered, but no longer viable to be used in PVP due to the 212/141/141 wall and are ISO starved. Some of these characters i toyed with the idea of leveling up, but could never do it due to the new 3 Star characters being released. Storm/Ares are the best example of this for me and would be great for random PVE events, but still not as valuable as lvling up a new 3*** IMO.

The new element that i was thinking could help people in this dilemma, would be to allow people that have a character fully covered, have the option to convert the extra cover into a 1 lvl upgrade to said character versus selling it for raw ISO.

any thoughts?


  • Enoc99
    Enoc99 Posts: 141
    That is an excellent idea.
  • Unknown
    Enoc99 wrote:
    That is an excellent idea.

    Agreed. It would really help those that have cover maxed characters. But I doubt it would happen because of D3 financial issues and needing money from sales to stay operational.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    This has been suggested before, but I still think it's a neat idea. Or if not a full level, perhaps you could apply the cover to the character for twice its ISO value if sold. This would keep people from being able to rocket those last several pricy levels with lucky cover grabs.

    [This thread should really be in "suggestions and feedback", by the way.]
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like this idea too. I also like the idea I had a few months back where you could use a cover to heal a character instead of level up their abilities. I think a choice of wither would be a good addition to the game.
  • Unknown
    I like this idea too. I also like the idea I had a few months back where you could use a cover to heal a character instead of level up their abilities. I think a choice of wither would be a good addition to the game.

    I think by lvling up a character in general, it should be given full health. Could be a cool PVP mechanic for featured character. let you slowly lvl it up while playing with Character in PVP. provide better option then using rental cover...