Variable Powers

There are many abilities that change drastically with covers. Aggressive recon, recharge, Iron hammer, magnetic flux etc.
The community has debated which is the best level of these powers over and over.
What if we didn't have to choose?

Hear me out I will use recharge as my example since they seem to be pushing IM40 so hard right now.

Recharge - Yellow 6 AP
Recharges weapon systems. Creates 3 Countdown tiles that activate after 2 turns, restoring 3 Red AP each. Iron Man is then stunned for 2 turns as systems reinitialize.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Each Countdown tile also restores 3 Blue AP. Costs 8 AP.
Level 3: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Green AP. Costs 10 AP.
Level 4: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Purple AP. Costs 12 AP.
Level 5: Each Countdown tile also restores 2 Black AP. Costs 14 AP.

Each level costs a different amount of AP. Let us say hypothetically you have 5 yellow covers. What if you could cast the power the moment you had 6 AP but would only get the single cover version. You would only get red back, but sometimes that is what you want. if you are flush with yellow you can cast the bigger version and get more colors back.

Same could be done for abilities like aggressive recon, only have a few purple, you can manage a small steal. Have a lot? you can pull off the 5 cover steal.

Obviously you would only be able to go up to a level that you provided covers for. This would let people who love using the cheap version of abilities still fully cover a given character even if they would have kept an ability at 2 or lower and provide extra versatility to some underused characters (OK we can leave aggressive recon alone OBW clearly needs no help)


  • Unknown

    I have 3 yellows on mine.

    There are lineups where it would benefit me greatly to spam the level 1 version and get a lot of red, such as with Patch, Mags, or Torch, and others where getting that blue or green can help significantly.