Not another prologue healing thread

This is not another complaining thread about the current prologue healing issue and suggestions to fix it. This is more of a suggestion for the Health Pack and Character "regen" timers.

What they need to do is swap health pack timers and character regen timers and make it a flat time. Regardless of health. If you have Ares at 5340, and OBW at 3115 and they both get down to 100 at the end of a match, it should be 2 hrs each (for example). Also have the timer change on level not on health pool. For example, level 60 2* Thor would have a regen time of 1hr15min, level 65 1hr30min so on and so forth.

As far as the health pack timers go, they can bump up to 45min. If D3 is more worried about us buying health backs, add to the timer by 10 minutes. It won't really change anything on our end, but whatever makes them feel better about themselves. But having a 7+hr regen for some and only 35 minutes on a health pack is a bit ridiculous.

There needs to be a happy medium here. Does this make sense to anyone else, or am I on my own here?