Why does environment AP have diminished returns in cascade?

If you make cascades of multiple chains the damage at each additional match is reduced to 75%, so the last matches of a long cascade do pitiful damage (see here viewtopic.php?f=9&t=572). However you get the full AP for those color matches even if a 4-match is doing 10 damage. However, environmental AP does not get full credit, an environment match at the end of cascade can give you hardly any AP. I have not done the math, but I would assume that it also is 70% after each match. Is this by design? It seems like it should get full AP like the colors since it is not doing damage.


  • Yeah I second this, env tiles are (most of the time) relatively weak and that makes it even weaker. A little reduction against lucky cascades could be fine but I would say much less than now would be appropriate
  • Just did the math, it is diminished to 75%, so it is on the same formula as the color tile damage reduction. So, those non-scaling environment AP are even more useless (I am looking at you, Hot dog stand).
  • In fairness, the second City ability is inarguably among the top 3 environment abilities.
  • Ranzera wrote:
    In fairness, the second City ability is inarguably among the top 3 environment abilities.

    I agree when you can fire it off it is a game changer, but if you do not have a boosted character in a tourney with bonus to crit tiles and environment matches, you will very rarely see those second tier powers. With the cascade diminishing returns, even more so.