POLL INSIDE: Item that Challenges Top Ranked Players in PVP.

Art Flash
Art Flash Posts: 47
I don't quite know if you would call this a boost or a token or something else. But I had an idea to help even out the playing field for the top 1-2 ranked people in PVP events.

What if there was an consumable item that, almost like the skip function, gave you one opportunity to challenge the current ranked 1 player per use?

This would not need to break their shields, but rather it could allow people that either see that rank one is so high in point value it would give them a sort of consumable boost in potential victory points by defeating this person (also encouraging them to use temporary boosts in the match since it would likely be a hard fight) and also to allow people that see the "suspiciously low leveled" top ranked players and have a shot at proving to themselves that they can at least beat out the person one on one.

For the developers:
-This could be sold for HP, adding potential revenue.
-It would unlikely negatively impact game balance since it nearly all top ranked players are shielded. (At least from what I foresee.)
-It could add a fun dynamic for some of us that reach that top 50ish rank and spend more time skipping people beneath our score than above.

What do you guys think?
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