roster advice and hp question

MajinDavid Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
edited June 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
So today I found a 30 dollar giftcard on the ground and used it to get hp. Figured why not. Want to get 2 maybe 3 covers for characters but not sure which ones. So the roster advice comes up. My roster includes

89 cmags 5/3/1 max level of 92.
85 ares 4/4/5
85 owb 3/5/5
85 cstorm 5/5/3
85 mn thor 3/5/5
85 Wolverine 5/5/3
83 hulk 5/2/2 max level of 89
77 doctor doom 2/5
70 punisher 3/2/3 max level 77
66 im40 1/4/2
66 hood 3/3/1
66 modern thor 4/1/2
64 rag 4/4
60 bpanther 3/5/0
54 loki 3/3
53 patch 4/2/1
51 gsbw 3/2/2
50 mnmag 3/5/5 max 85
50 im35 5/5/3
50 mstorm 5/5/3
50 x-force 1/5/2 max 132
50 baglady 0/2/1
48 da daken 5/5 max 69
45 modern cap 3/5/5 max 85
41 lazy daken 1/2/2
41 psyduck 2/1/2
38 mororo 2/2/0
34 venom 5/5 max 40
30 human torch 2/1/1
28 steve rogers 0/1/2
28 sentry 1/2/0
25 falcon 0/2/0
19 daredevil 4/0/2 max 64
15 bullseye 5/5 max 69
15 spiderman 0/1/0
10 moonstone 5/5/3 max 85
10 jugs 5/5 max 40
8 2*hawkeye 3/5/5 max 85
7 bagman 5/3/5

What should I focus on and if im gonna get few covers what do I invest in? Will prolly do 3 but might only get 2 and invest rest in shields.


  • MajinDavid
    MajinDavid Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    Decided a red cmag cover would be helpful (so far has been) what will else will help me? 2 covers still up to get.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Buying two covers will get you either a 5/2/5 Hulk or a 3/5/1 Hood. Since Hood's soft cap would only be L89 (one cover would make him pretty viable), Hulk would be more useful.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was thinking that a 3/5/3 punisher would be pretty useful, but honestly when you need lots of covers for everyone using your hp for shields is going to get you more covers in the long term. At least it used to, not sure under the new system if it will be as big of a deal.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    mohio wrote:
    I was thinking that a 3/5/3 punisher would be pretty useful, but honestly when you need lots of covers for everyone using your hp for shields is going to get you more covers in the long term. At least it used to, not sure under the new system if it will be as big of a deal.
    3/5/3 Punisher would be pretty useful, and is generally a better transitional character. He has a max Ares, though, so I'm not sure a L115 green damage dealer would add much value vs. L128 Hulk's anger deterrent.
  • Unknown
    Punisher, OBW is a great transition team. I don't know if I would dump HP into a char though unless it was going to finish him. Using HP to shield as previously stated is much more useful winning covers.

    Punisher's green ....If you pair his 5 green with OBW you can hold your own to a certain point.

    I would probably suggest you wait buying any covers until after you get the season 10 pack award..... See where you stand at that point then buy.

    Also you want think about how you’re buying.... If I were to buy I would do 4 green and 4 red so next time an event comes up I can finish the char. If you do 5 red then you will need to get lucky with token pulls or do two more events to finish the char.
  • Unknown
    I've never used a shield. How do they work? Is there a forum about them? I've been playing for a while but still consider myself a newbie in that I don't get into the logistics, I just play for fun and I like collecting all the heroes.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    In PVP, a shield prevents you from losing points to incoming attacks for its entire duration. However, if you are shielded, and an incoming attack fails, resulting in a defensive win, you do gain the points from that win.