Time Reversal [Investigating]

Janosik Posts: 696 Critical Contributor
Time Reversal doesn't ask for confirmation on casting.


  • Magic:PQ Support Team
    Magic:PQ Support Team ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 3,512 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hello @Janosik,

    Thank you for all the information provided, this issue will be investigated!
    If you have any additional information that you consider relevant, please don't hesitate to send me 😊


  • Scrounger
    Scrounger Posts: 75 Match Maker

    Hi Oktagon.

    Time Reversal still doesn't ask for a prompt on casting. It just autocasts. I don't think it should work like this for the following reasons:

    (1) Day's Undoing, it's closest analog, has a casting prompt and does not autocast. Since these cards function in very similar ways -- both have you get rid of the cards in your hand and draw new cards that are given some amount of mana -- both should have a casting prompt. I imagine the failure of time reversal to have one is just an oversight.

    (2) My understanding is that Oktagon provides for a casting prompt when casting the card may not always be advantageous to the caster. For example, displacement wave has a casting prompt, which makes sense because there are many situations in which you don't want to return your own creatures on the battlefield to your hand. Day's Undoing has a casting prompt as discussed above, and this makes sense because you don't always want to get rid of your hand and draw a set of new cards. Time Reversal certainly also fits this description of a card you don't always want to cast. Indeed, based on my play experience with Time Reversal, there are many times that I don't want the card to cast. I may have a hand a fully charged removal and a winning board state, in which case I don't want to get rid of my hand and draw new cards. I may have a card on the board that effectively locks Greg out of the game (say I have Test of Talents out, Greg's hand is full, none of his cards have mana, and none of his cards can gain mana because they are all spells). Say I just drew a card I need to achieve an objective with another draw spell. I wouldn't want Time Reversal in this case until after I cast the card I need to achieve the objective. If I cast Time Reversal before I cast the card I need for the objective, it's a waste. These are just some of situations in which I wouldn't want to cast Time Reversal. There are others. The point being that it is indisputably true that you don't always want Time Reversal to cast because it's not always advantageous for you. Sometimes casting it hurts you, and sometimes casting it helps Greg. Having a casting prompt to prevent Time Reversal from autocasting solves all of these problems.

    Please add a casting prompt to this card. It will make it much more useful. Moreover, doing so is fully consistent with the other cards that require a casting prompt.

    Thanks for making a great game.

  • Scydrex7
    Scydrex7 Posts: 57 Match Maker

    I second Scrounger's opinion on Time Reversal. I would most definitely consider playing that card way more often if it provided a prompt to either cast it or not. Hope you can make a good card great this way!

  • Epitymbidia
    Epitymbidia Posts: 21 Just Dropped In

    A confirmation prompt would be fantastic!

  • jtwood
    jtwood Posts: 1,285 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2022

    @Scrounger said:

    (2) My understanding is that Oktagon provides for a casting prompt when casting the card may not always be advantageous to the caster.

    Here's the link to that

    Spells: Some of them ask if you want to cast them, but others will autocast without asking first. What determines if a spell will prompt before it is cast?
    Answer: Spells may require prompts in situations that require a target for the effects or in situations that may be harmful to the player to cast them if this hasn’t been part of a major strategy. There may be some exceptions for this behavior, but mostly this is how the prompts behave.

  • Scrounger
    Scrounger Posts: 75 Match Maker

    @jtwood Thanks for finding that. I knew I had read that post from Oktagon, but I couldn't remember precisely where.

  • Janosik
    Janosik Posts: 696 Critical Contributor

    Time Reversal still doesn't ask for confirmation on casting

  • Julie71
    Julie71 MTGPQ Mod Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    @Magic:PQ Support Team
    another one that needs attention

  • Scrounger
    Scrounger Posts: 75 Match Maker

    Can this please be changed? Time Reversal could be so cool and would be consistent with other cards that have this type of effect if there were a casting prompt. This issue has existed for years, and it seems like it's a pretty simple fix since there is another card with a similar effect (Day's Undoing) that has a casting prompt.