Can we PLEASE have an indicator on the map screen already for rewards or full points?

DeNappa Posts: 1,401 Chairperson of the Boards
It's years overdue. 

Here are suggestions made by my elite paint skills

Top: a text counter counting available rewards
Middle: only an indicator bubble that appears if points are full
Bottom: Points bar that shows % of available points


  • Breadsticks
    Breadsticks Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Yes, please. While we're at it can we please remove the extra screens after a win in PVE? It wastes time. If I need to see level the of AI opponent(s) or how much iso I received I can go back to the node. Only screen you really need post is the bonus reward screen.  
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    I like the look and idea of the text counter. It's simple, aesthetic, and gets the job done.