looking for a top 200 alliance rank on daily / weekly events to join

teky Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
not sure where else to post this and if anyone even actually responds to these, been playing for almost half a year , not a whale but not f2p either just a dolphin who likes to try and rank at least in top 10 pvp events and IMHO i felt the alliance im in now is mainly pve only and ya it’s nice to get rewarded when others are in for it too rather then just the vets who have lotta experience but no drive for winning. 

i promise i’ll be your top 3 placer in the alliance “at least” not even sure how i can show ya besides screen shots of every event i’ve placed so far but i can promise to show you if you let me prove it to you. 

thanks ~ 

audioh0lic is the name i use on MPQ but since there is no private message system i’ll just hope to check back for any nibbles 


  • Tickler
    Tickler Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Did you find an alliance yet?  If not, send me a DM.