My 1* team right now.

edited March 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Close to finishing this up and start turning to my 2* team.

IM35 lvl 41 1/5/5- This is very fustrating that I can not get any Red Covers. Ideally I would love to have him at 5/5/3 but It is working for now. Tempted to pop my HP in to him.

Storm Lvl 40 5/5/3- I stopped putting Iso in here because my IM35 has stalled out. Stats right where I want them.

MBW lvl 27 3/5- I don't plan to do much except bring her up to lvl 30 and leaving her there.

Looks like my 2* team will be working out to starts as Area or Thor, OBW and CStorm. Just need to get this 1* finished.


  • Just need to get this 1* finished.
    You might consider starting on the 2*s right now, instead. If your 1*s are comfortably winning matches as is, it might be better using the rewards to get at least one of the 2*s past them in levels more quickly. If it's tooth-and-nail, though, putting iso into the 1*s will be a better short-term boost.

    I would say keep your HP to buy roster slots with -- those will always be useful, and you'll probably get little use out of Iron Man once Ares or Thor surpasses him.
  • At what lvl does Thor start to replace IM35??
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    At what lvl does Thor start to replace IM35??

    Thor will have the same match damage but less ability damage at the same level as im35: so they typically need 15 more than the 1* equivalent to be identical. I'd say you can start using thor at level 40: he will only be noticeably better than im35 at 55+.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's a red Model 35 cover in the S.H.I.E.L.D. versus area of the prologue, when you get to 400 progression points.
  • Thanks for the tip of the Red IM35 cover. Going try and do the Verses til I grab the Thor cover for now. That will give me 6 MNThor and 7 after my daily supplie tomorrow.

    Another Newbie question. I know we still have one sub-event to go for the Simulator. I am higher right now in the main part then what i want to be i am 65 and want to be 76-100 for the OBW Cover. but I am trying to maintain Top 50 in the sub to get a 2* cover. Should after the Last sub start try to tank then to lower my Main Event placement?
  • Should after the Last sub start try to tank then to lower my Main Event placement?
    Tanking (as in deliberately losing, or winning with a weak team) won't help lower your main event placement. Just play often enough to keep above the 100th place, and stop playing for a bit if winning threatens to put you above 76th place. And it'd probably be better to play the low-point nodes than the high-point ones, when you start trying to do that.