Spend hoard now or wait for Immortal Hulk?

Electrovirus Posts: 64 Match Maker

I am still at the 4* tier and am looking to spend my cp and token hoard. Should I use it now or wait for Immortal Hulk? I don't have any covers of all four heroes, just thinking if it is better to wait or not.


  • Electrovirus
    Electrovirus Posts: 64 Match Maker
    edited April 2020

    @OJSP said:
    How much is the hoard? If you have enough to get 3 5* fully covered, I'd pull now for Beta Ray Bill. If you don't have enough, then opening tokens now or later won't make much of a difference.

    I have enough CP and LL to pull 230 times. Those odds tell me to expect around 10 covers per 5*. Not sure if I should take a chance for covering BRB, he is one of my favourite marvel characters, I even used his name as my dj name for a couple raves back in the day. If I hold off I can accumulate more pulls but I will miss out on BRB.

    Thanks for your advise, I appreciate it.

  • Electrovirus
    Electrovirus Posts: 64 Match Maker

    I started pulling tokens and by my 12th pull I had a cover for BRB, Havok, and Sinister. I am thinking of stopping now and keeping and growing my hoard until I have more than enough to champ all 3 5 stars down the road.

  • Electrovirus
    Electrovirus Posts: 64 Match Maker

    Thanks, OJSP, I appreciate and am using your advice.