Advice on first hoard splurge

I’ve played MPQ for several years, and while this is the first time I’ve posted here, it has helped me a lot over those years when searching for info.  Thanks to all of you for being such a sharing and informative group, and one without much of the negativity sometimes found on the internet!

Anyway, I have finally built up a decent sized hoard of LL tokens, 353 as of this writing.  I recently caved and champed two 5*, Doctor Strange and OML (the only two I had fully covered).  I play PVE far more than PVP, and frankly felt like I was in danger of becoming too bored with the game if I didn’t go ahead and champ them (knowing full well doing so would make my life much tougher in PVP for the occasions I did play).  It has made a positive difference for me, as coasting through PVE events quicker is far more enjoyable now.  I’m not one that plays enough to usually place well, but I’m ok with that.  

Ive read a lot about the theory behind hoarding and when to bust it open, and feel like I’d really like to get three more 5* covered (or as close to it as I can), and also have Spider-Man PP with 11 covers and one saved cover lined up as a BH.  I understand it’s not necessarily top tier, but the soon to be trio of Storm, Iceman, and Prof X seem like fun characters to use and a potentially good time to go for it.  I plan to wait and see what’s around the corner in 5* land, meaning if it’s a really great character I could wait a bit longer and try my luck once they’re in and Storm is out.  

Basically, I’m just curious if people think now is a good time to go for it in my situation.  I also have a little over 600 CP, and will be collecting a few more LL tokens and CP beforehand, though would like to hold on to the CP if possible.  It seems like just continuing to wait for a trio that includes at least one brand new meta-defining character may not be worthwhile, but while I’m becoming a bit anxious to pull I could do so if people feel I need a lot more LL tokens and/or CP to have a really good shot at being successful.  Just trying to think about this and formulate a plan in advance as best I can, and appreciate any insight.


  • AndiTi
    AndiTi Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2019
    If you pulled today and got straight 15% results with NO bonus heros, you would pull fifty three 5* covers on tokens alone. Granted you can't assume distribution, but that gives you a really good chance of fully covering all three without touching your CP hoard, possibly needing to use a saved cover conversion or two to champ. Keep in mind you will also potentially earn quite a bit of CP and LTs from 4* champ rewards if you cash in all those LTs at once, and odds say you should get at least 2-3 5* BHs in there too, which can either help cover these or help with another meta character.

    Waiting until Rescue rotates out gives you a few more weeks to earn LTs so chances are you'll have a few more by then. Also keep in mind, when X rotates in you'll have a few months to earn more resources to fully cover him if you somehow get hosed since he will be in the store a while. Same with Bobby. Storm is a bit more urgent but you should still have another 4-6 weeks to try. I don't know how many LTs you typically earn in a week, but for me I would anticipate several dozen more cracks at X while he was in the store. 

    It's completely up to you to pull or not pull, but I think this is a good set. I will be trying to cover all of them. I would try to do it on my LTs and use CP for special stores that had a different character I wanted, but it's nice to know you have another resource to draw on if you had a run of bad luck.

    Let us know what you decide to do and the results!
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    AndiTi, thank you so much for the well articulated and thought out response, I truly appreciate it!  I find myself in agreement with everything you say, and it is true that I should have a few more LTs before I actually go through with this, while waiting on Rescue to leave.  If memory serves, we should have a relatively good feel for the next 5* character before Storm leaves, so if by chance it is some crazy strong character I could also wait until Storm leaves before pulling, which would have me stockpiling even more LTs.  

    On the BH front, am I foolish for wanting to try and champ my Spider-Man PP with them, as opposed to devoting them to current meta characters?  I’m just so low on all of them with 2 covers of Thor, 1 cover of Okoye, and zero covers of Kitty, that it feels almost like a waste.  I have fun with Spidey when I use him, so I would like to get him champed at some point.  I do have a 5/5/0 Thanos, but due to the way he’s covered I’m leery of designating him as a BH.  I am due to get a green cover of his at some point around November or so I believe from the daily resupply rewards.  

    I would love love to hear more thoughts, but in any event will let everyone know how it goes when I finally take the plunge.  Thanks again!
  • AndiTi
    AndiTi Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    I think you should BH whomever you would like to, but I will point out that there is another strat with Thor and Okoye: BH both them and their feeders. For a Thor you can BH Valkyrie, and/or for Okoye you can BH Shuri.  You’ll be pulling so many that you’re likely to get good progress towards the feeder covers on those 4* in addition to any BH you get on 5*.

    It’s also important to remember both Thor and Okoye can be helpful with the right covers: 4-5 green for Thor and even a few covers on Okoye’s black make them very useful even under covered.

    I covered mine through a combination of this and special stores. If you get 4-5 covers this go around, then the next time they come in a special store you will be well positioned to get them in a useful state. 

    Anyway, just a thought. SMPP is certainly a solid 5* and if that’s what is fun for you to play, go for it. 

  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Ah, I hadn’t even thought of something like that with regard to Thor and Okoye, and I doubt it would ever have occurred to me.  As luck would have it, both Shuri and Valkyrie are two of my non-champed 4*, though Shuri is close at 2/5/5 and with one saved cover.  Valkyrie needs more work at I believe 7 total covers.  Neither of my two Thor covers are green, whereas my one Okoye cover does happen to be black.  Were I to switch it up and target Okoye and/or Thor as BH instead, would it make sense in your mind to specifically go after just one or both?  
  • AndiTi
    AndiTi Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2019
    Okoye can be useful with so many partners it's difficult to describe until you see it. I was using her extensively when I had her at 3/2/0 as a 4* partner, and it's ridiculous honestly how powerful she really can be. I used her a ton with America Chavez and/or Vulture, but she pretty much turns anyone not boosted into boosted level power, and anyone boosted into a monster (so long as they trigger her black, which is most). She makes your whole 3-4* roster better.

    Thor was hard to see the value in until I got 2 green covers--then it started making a real difference. He really needs 4 or 5 in green to shine though.

    I personally went after Okoye hard first, with no regrets. Full disclosure--my Thor is 5/3/4, but that's plenty to have a full Thorkoye effect and I can honestly say it's a different game having that.

    So, in your position if you made Shuri a BH now it's likely you would pull the blue cover you need in this process. Shuri is a TON of fun at the 4* level with the right partners: 4* BP, Prowler, or C4ge spring to mind. Any covers of other colors can go into champ levels, and the very first cover she gives for Okoye is black, at 280. I think if you decide to chase one I would do that.
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I really can’t thank you enough.  This discussion enlightens me on just how much I had no clue about in 5* land.  I believe I will alter my original strategy and target Okoye and Valkyrie now.  I had Sabretooth as my lone 4* BH as it sounds like he’s super useful, but I’m still several covers from champing him and in light of these revelations I think can wait.  

    Still not sure what to do about Thor, but realizing that a decision to chase him too limits the upside to Okoye makes me think I’m most likely better off focusing solely on her at initially.  I still like my Spidey, but it’s not like he isn’t useful as he currently stands.  Sure I’d like him even better at level 450 (or I guess 451 as I do have the saved cover), but it sounds like Okoye is a real priority.
  • AndiTi
    AndiTi Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    edited August 2019
    Just for clarity, Shuri rewards Okoye covers (Valkyrie is Thor). I wish you best of luck--4 of my Okoye's came from BHing her over time, 2 from Shuri, and the rest from special stores/HfH. It will be a journey no doubt, but she is worth it. 
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Ha, thanks!  I actually meant Shuri instead of Valkyrie, but you obviously had no way to know that!  I appreciate it all.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    I say since you’ve already champed Strange/OML, it is a no-brainer to champ the three Latests or the next batch when Storm rotates, if the anniversary character is even better (will we get a pre-nerf Gambit or a Cable??). Even though we don’t have a super meta, I’d argue it’s the best batch of three we’ve had in a long long time. You’d have 3 X-Men to put around the Professor (Storm/Ice/OML) which I imagine could make for some really fun teams. If you can get Professor tanking P/Ba/Bu (and shrugging off 75% damage) and Logan tanking R/Y (and healing) that’d be super nice on health packs). Bishop is essentially another 5* X-Man for all intents and purposes as well. So I think you’d be set up pretty nicely. 
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Thanks Daredevil217, I appreciate the feedback!  I’m thinking along similar lines in terms of those three (Storm, Ice, Prof X) sounding like they are fun to play, as well as my champed OML being another option to team with the Professor.  Tanking is simply not something I have spent a ton of time thinking about, so this is helpful too.  I probably won’t have a ton of influence over how it turns out when I pull, but he has just as much chance as any of the three to end up the most covered.  

    I will most likely wait to pull until after we see the new 5*, but that feels like a net positive (I either go after Storm, who outside of MPQ is probably one of my top tier characters in terms of personal favorites, or I lose out on her but focus on an even stronger character).  

    Regrettably, Bishop is also one of the 4* that I have that are criminally under-covered.  I just never seem to get him; think I only have like two covers or so.  I will try to get him where I can too, though.  Thanks again, all of the advice and support I’m receiving here is much appreciated!
  • adrianjc
    adrianjc Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Just wanted to echo what’s been said earlier. Definitely go for Okoye . She was my first and only 5 champ for awhile and as everybody says she just makes everybody else better plus she has a full heal with her yellow ability. Good luck 👍 
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Thanks, adrianjc!  I appreciate it.  I am heeding the advice to focus on Okoye, currently she is my only 5* BH, and Shuri is my only 4* BH.  I only need one blue cover to get Shuri champed, and also have one saved cover already.  Hopefully I’ll have good luck when I pull, just gotta wait and see what people think about the usefulness of whatever 5* character comes around after Prof X, and then determine if I’d rather pull for them or for Storm.
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    So, with Prof X having entered Latest Legends, I’m obviously getting closer to busting open the hoard.  I’m now just waiting to see how strong the next 5* release is before deciding whether or not to do so while Storm is still in there.  Upon seeing the announcement about the upcoming store with Okoye, BP, and Thanos though, I’m wondering about whether or not I should use my limited CP on this.  As many have advised in this thread, Okoye is a very sensible target for me.  I also could really use some green covers for my 5/5/0 Thanos, and while my BP is less covered it’s a character I do happen to like.  

    The challenge for me is that I only have a little over 640 CP at the moment, which would translate to only 25 pulls.  May be worthwhile, and I’m willing to do it, but this also coincides timing-wise with my sincere hope of getting three 5* fully covered when I eventually pull from Latest Legends.  I currently have 367 LL tokens, and may end up with a small handful more by the time I pull.  I know nothing is guaranteed pull-wise, but I guess my question for those having opened a hoard before, given my situation and hopes would you feel comfortable going into it with only those LL tokens at your disposal, and no CP?  

    There’s also the question of what the anniversary CP store will have to offer and should I wait to see that instead, but it’s kinda hard to imagine it being something that’s definitively better than the BP/Okoye/Thanos one.
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Well, decided to go ahead and splurge my meager CP hoard on the Legends of Wakanda store.  Went in with enough for 26 pulls, and finished with two Black Panther covers, two Thanos covers (one became a saved cover, but the other finally got me my first elusive green cover), and one Okoye cover.  I also got one BH 4* for Shuri, but no BH 5*.  So, after this, I now have:

    Black Panther at 4/1/4
    Thanos at 5/5/1 with one saved cover
    Okoye at 1/1/0
    Shuri at level 276

    Not too bad, I obviously would have loved a bit more Okoye covers, and to have gotten two Thanos green covers rather than having to save one, but I feel I can’t complain.  I also got a feeder Green Goblin cover from Sandman, getting him to 5/5/1.  
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can't complain with that pull rate, and getting Thanos one cover closer!

    To answer your question, I would feel very comfortable with 367 pulls.  That's not taking into account what you will accrue before Storm officially leaves, and what you will get from champ levels after busting your hoard.  Also, you really just need to finish Storm.  The others you will have time to finish as they will be in tokens longer.  If you decide to pass on Storm altogether, it'll be even more of a slam dunk that you finish all three as you'll have even more time to stack resources.
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Can't complain with that pull rate, and getting Thanos one cover closer!

    To answer your question, I would feel very comfortable with 367 pulls.  That's not taking into account what you will accrue before Storm officially leaves, and what you will get from champ levels after busting your hoard.  Also, you really just need to finish Storm.  The others you will have time to finish as they will be in tokens longer.  If you decide to pass on Storm altogether, it'll be even more of a slam dunk that you finish all three as you'll have even more time to stack resources.
    Thanks Daredevil, again, I truly appreciate it!  I am now up to a few more LLs, just eagerly awaiting whether or not I pull with Storm still around or if the next 5* is a beast or not.
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    So, as of this moment I’m sitting at 372 LLs.  I was thinking we’d probably get that new 5* announced this week, but now it appears it is still some time off.  I’m just wondering if I should hit the LL tokens a bit to try and get one cover of Storm, just to have her and in the event that I decide to continue hoarding until the next 5* enters Latest.  As I’ve never actively tried to roster every latest 5* to this point, I’m not sure if the value of (hopefully) ensuring I have at least one cover of Storm in case she’s necessary for an event outweighs having my maximum amount of LLs for whenever I do happen to bust open the hoard (it will be sooner than later, obviously).  

    If if I did decide to try to get just one Storm cover for now, is there a threshold where I should just give up if I’ve gone so many tokens without yet getting a cover of hers?
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, as of this moment I’m sitting at 372 LLs.  I was thinking we’d probably get that new 5* announced this week, but now it appears it is still some time off.  I’m just wondering if I should hit the LL tokens a bit to try and get one cover of Storm, just to have her and in the event that I decide to continue hoarding until the next 5* enters Latest.  As I’ve never actively tried to roster every latest 5* to this point, I’m not sure if the value of (hopefully) ensuring I have at least one cover of Storm in case she’s necessary for an event outweighs having my maximum amount of LLs for whenever I do happen to bust open the hoard (it will be sooner than later, obviously).  

    If if I did decide to try to get just one Storm cover for now, is there a threshold where I should just give up if I’ve gone so many tokens without yet getting a cover of hers?
    There is definite value in rostering anyone who could be essential (non-limited 2*-5*), so yes.  She will be featured heavily while in Latests, so more reason to try and get a cover.  If you are for sure going to chase Professor and Iceman, then I'd say there's no threshold in which to stop pulling.  Here's why:

    1) Any 4* you pull, will still be a 4* when Storm rotates out.  You'd just be getting a run of bad luck or bad pull rate out of the way early.

    2) Any Iceman/Professor are covers you want anyway as you will be chasing them.  It's just a matter of if you also chase Storm or the next 5.

    3) A single Storm cover is at best a person you will be chasing anyway, and at worst one less Professor/Iceman/Unknown cover.  And really, that one cover shouldn't make or break you.
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Thanks so much for the insight DD, as always!   Before seeing your response I kinda figured, “what the heck, I’ll give it a shot,” and pulled some LLs.  My results were...interesting.  I ended up pulling 63 tokens, and while I pulled seven 5*, none were Storm.  Distribution was interesting, too.  I ended up with a 3/0/3 Prof X, and a 1/0/0 Iceman.  I took a break, feeling slightly discouraged.  My 5* pull rate was a bit below what one would hope for, though I’m sure many have had worse.  More frustrating was the fact that I couldn’t get a single Storm cover, yet blue covers and black covers of Prof X seemed like they were flying like hot cakes.  I did manage to get my Shuri up to level 280 though, netting me another black cover for Okoye.  She now sits at 2/1/0.  

    Awhile later I read your post, and it made a ton of sense to me so I figured I’d just go back in and simply pull until I got that first elusive Storm cover.  It took another 21 pulls, but I finally got Storm.  I also got two more 5* covers during this revisit, putting me right around the average pull rate for this second time.  What did I get?  You guessed it, one each of Prof X blue and black.  

    In any event, I now have 292 LLs, a 4/0/4 Prof X, a 1/0/0 Iceman, and a 0/1/0 Storm.  I also got two total 4* BH over the course of my 84 pulls, and my Shuri is now level 281.  
  • BuzzedLightbeer
    BuzzedLightbeer Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2019
    Phew!  Alright, I made a much bigger dent into my hoard of LL tokens, and need some further advice.  I’ve lost track of my total number of pulls due to receiving additional LL tokens from 4* rewards along the way, but would estimate I’ve pulled over 300, probably around 310-315.  There’s a chance it’s a bit higher than that, not sure.  In any event, here’s where I stand afterward:

    5/5/3 Storm
    Level 454 Iceman
    7/0/9 Professor X

    Also got one bonus 5*, so my Okoye is now 2/2/0.  Still leveling up Shuri to continue feeding her too, she’s currently at level 289.

    Now, obviously I’m frustrated/disappointed with the distribution of Prof X covers, but realize it is what it is.  I still have 88 LL tokens, along with two blue and four black Prof X covers hanging on the vine (he’s at 5/0/4 on my roster).  Do I continue pulling in hopes of getting some purple covers, or do I save all of the covers and wait until Storm and Iceman are out before pulling again?  I know Daredevil217 has mentioned it would be beneficial to have him tanking for me, and if I get more Iceman or Storm covers the chances of this seem tougher if using them together.