Red Iso-8 Updates *Updated (9/24/18)



  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    This makes a move towards solving one half of the Supports issue.

    The other is still the utter unobtainability of the things if you don't spend money buying out the vaults for an oh-so-exciting Beginner Support Token. One of them. Just one. Which, if you're lucky, might get you a 3*.

    They're not a progress reward, they're not in daily drops, the only time anything better than a beginner shows up is in a very limited time vault that's packed with 2*s.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    About time for this change. Thank you!
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since there is still no true path to gain supports in the game, any small boost in Red ISO will just sit on top of the hoard and remain unspent.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    They're not a progress reward, they're not in daily drops, the only time anything better than a beginner shows up is in a very limited time vault that's packed with 2*s.
    Don't forget that you can also receive one advanced support token (a 1:12 chance of a rank 4 support!) for placing in the top 0.5% of your PVE season bracket.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Agent262 said:
    ...was anyone else's first thought "how did they get it SO wrong initially??" or am I just being cynical?  A factor of 18?

    Yes!  I thought that very thing!  I guess it's nice of them to admit their mistake and take a baby step in the right direction... That being said...
    JHawkInc said:
    I'm glad more Red ISO is available, and those amounts look nice, but this feels like a change so you can say "Look, we're making it better!" without actually doing anything significant. ...why increase the rewards in the one game mode that can't use them in the first place? anyone that plays Versus or Story exclusively won't benefit from this at all, as the former can't use Supports, and the latter doesn't have access to the improvements)

    I play only PvE, so this update does literally nothing for me at best.  At worse, if anything, it works against me, since players who do both PvP and PvE will now get even more resources that will improve their PvE play, making it easier/faster for them to complete node clears and score higher/sooner leading to better ranking.  SMH

    Further, as others have said, this does nothing to improve my chances of actually getting Supports in the first place.  Especially now that you guys are making New-Character-Specific-Supports, the events that offer that New Character in Placement and Progression rewards should also offer their matching Support in the same Placement and Progression rewards (as well as their token stores/vaults).
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards

    this is a step in the right direction, but at this pace, it's still going to take a long time for most people.
    How long is it taking to level up your characters with real ISO?  I've still got close to a 5M ISO deficit with my 5-star characters alone.

    I'm not going to complain about more of any resource in the game.  Glad to hear the Red-ISO is becoming more common.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Why no increase for story mode? Frankly, I barely even look at supports because I get them so few and far between, and the Red ISO is harder to find than an honest politician.

    Let me know what supports are out of beta testing and ready for REAL use.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I don't usually go for 1000 in PVP, let alone place 1st overall, but I do earn the 700 point RISO reward on the way to the 4-star cover, and that also usually gets me T25. So I'll be getting way more RISO by doing the same amount of work that I usually do. Hard to complain about that. 

    I do however agree that this all seems pretty silly just applied to PVP exclusively where the supports can't even be used. I'm gonna give you guys the benefit of the doubt on that one, given that a new season 1 week away, and it makes sense to not spill the beans now if that might be part of the new season updates. I'm also holding out hope that Anniversary means tons of opportunities to get supports. Hope. 
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    How long is it taking to level up your characters with real ISO?  I've still got close to a 5M ISO deficit with my 5-star characters alone.

    I'm not going to complain about more of any resource in the game.  Glad to hear the Red-ISO is becoming more common.
    I started to put in something about not comparing iso with riso, because i wanted to keep my post focused, but this is an excellent question.  

    Looking at Simulator, you get 12800 for progress, top 100 personal and alliance.  For each sub, doing 6 clears and placing top 100 personal and alliance, you get 12730.  Multiply by three and add progression = 50990.

    Now, add in pvp iso rewards (another 9950) = 60940 in three days.  That does not include any iso from any of the numerous tokens awarded in that time.  Now double it, and you are looking at a minimum of 125k per week at scl9, but i would wager it could be as much as 200k per week.  Since i only looked at the 3 day event, lets look at the 7 day hulk event.  The progression shows 35360, so yeah, a weeks worth of high end play should net you at least 150-200k iso.

    Personally, i am post iso, so i have around 2 million waiting for the next few 5 stars to come out, so i have no idea what exact numbers are to champ one, but if i remember correctly, its around 500k.

    So, in roughly 2 and a half weeks or less, i should get the iso to champ a 5*.  That is what, 8 or so pvp events?  In half the time it takes to get a support only up to level 150, i should earn enough iso to champ a 5*.

    Yes, in my opinion, the devs are doing an ok job keeping up with iso intake over the years.  It could be better, but it is pretty decent.  I honestly can't say the same thing about riso.  This 18x increase is a step in the right direction, but it is only a baby step.  
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    How can you complain over this?

    If you aren't purchasing you wont see what's next. It's a smart move actually. In most cases outside of this one I wouldn't the initial 3 star bundle because I don't need it at all it would have to be like 5 bucks for me to even think about it.

    It's as simple as buy or don't.

    Its nothing personal and its not "unfair" 

  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    How can you complain over this?

    If you aren't purchasing you wont see what's next. It's a smart move actually. In most cases outside of this one I wouldn't the initial 3 star bundle because I don't need it at all it would have to be like 5 bucks for me to even think about it.

    It's as simple as buy or don't.

    Its nothing personal and its not "unfair" 

    Psst this is the red iso update. The purchase bundles discussion is elsewhere.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    tiomono said:
    Psst this is the red iso update. The purchase bundles discussion is elsewhere.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,304 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well that helps me not at all since I mainly only play PvE.  Strange that they would only update one part of the game and not the other.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Brigby Looks like a mistake in the chart for top 100 in scl8 story placement rewards. It says it rewards 1,000 red iso when it probably should be 2,000 since top 100 in scl7 rewards 1,650.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now THAT is what we're talking about. Hook us up with reasonable access to Tokens and we can stop saying Supports are "in beta."

    There are still some kinks to work out. Rotating new Supports into Tokens at a reasonable rate, more generic Supports like Atillan or Jarvis or the Cloak of Levitation, fewer Supports that are "the last 5% of that new character that just came out" (though don't you dare change that policy until AFTER Kitty gets a Lockheed Support...), the availability of some rare supports (I don't mind that the Infinity Stones are rare, I mind that they're so rare that they don't feel worth pursuing in the first place), etc.

    But getting enough Red ISO that I can level up my good Supports AND bring up new ones to level 50 or so to try them out, that's awesome. It'll be nice to feel like progress is being made.
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Excellent changes. Now we just need token availability. So we have a reasonable shot at earning them.
  • IYeaheahI
    IYeaheahI Posts: 53 Match Maker
    Awesome guys! Thank you very much!

    I have a few supports that realy deserve a couple of levels, they will start giving the game the new dimension i've been hoping for
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Yay for RISO in Story Mode!  Thank you!
  • Ed_Dragonrider
    Ed_Dragonrider Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    Woohoo! So glad for the riso increase in pve! Thank you so much!!  <3


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