Apocalypse tips/questions

azninvasion2000 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
Now  that we know who is boosted for the event, 

  • 4-Star: Drax, Gwenpool, The Hulk (Totally Awesome), Lockjaw, Wasp
  • 3-Star: Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men), Daken (Classic), Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius), Iron Fist (Immortal Weapon), Rocket & Groot (Most Wanted)

Any ideas for teams for the later rounds? 

Also, is it still true that if you are too weak to kill Apocalypse, you can still deal damage to him by saving up nuke abilities, firing them off, then retreating while it is still your turn so he doesn't get a chance to heal?


  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not sure where you're getting your boosted list from but this is what I understand it to be:

    5-star: Phoenix, Wolverine
    4-star: Mockingbird, X-23, Teen Jean, Cyclops, Deadpool, Wolverine
    3-star: Quicksilver, Deadpool, Switch, Cyclops, Storm, Beast, Wolverine
    2-star: Human Torch, Storm, Wolverine
    1-star: Storm

    The first time this event ran I burned through it pretty easily with Teen Jean, Switch, and XFW. Jean's purple makes getting rid of the Horseman's special tiles a breeze, then I'd nuke Apoc with XFW's black.
  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Mockingbird is the only 4/5* I have that's champed :(
  • Polly_P1
    Polly_P1 Posts: 99 Match Maker

    Also, is it still true that if you are too weak to kill Apocalypse, you can still deal damage to him by saving up nuke abilities, firing them off, then retreating while it is still your turn so he doesn't get a chance to heal?

    Any damage you do to him counts, not sure of the stratagy of retreating.

    There are 2 Strategies that I use.

    1: ignore the horseman tiles, save up the AP needed to down him in 1 turn. This works for most rounds.

    2. Use a mix of who I have boosted and some one who can swap tiles, or take out specific tiles. That way as I knock out the horseman tiles I can get the Black Countdown tile as well. 
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Vulture, Mockingbird and Cloak & Dagger work well for damage, AP gain and special tile deletion. 
  • froggerjohn
    froggerjohn Posts: 374 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2018
    As a 2/3* player, I'm sure I'll have trouble in later rounds. But for the moment, IM40, OBW, and 3* Bullseye are working great.

    IM40 - bulk AP to unlock that horseman
    Bullseye - attack tile destroy
    OBW - increase Death countdown

    Not sure what I'll change though when Apocalypse damage become the limiting factor.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I'm mainly 3* and still having lots of success with Quicksilver (boosted to 275), Kamala Khan (177), and Iron Fist (178).  We're in round 6 and I haven't come close to defeat yet.

    Since the Horsemen want black tiles, I've been using Iron Fist's cheap purple power to make lots of black.  Every time I use it, Kamala heals everyone.  Iron Fist's attack tile is doing 501 damage a turn, bringing down the total needed while I hunt for green, purple, black, and blue.  Quicksilver's black switcharoo power helps me match any of the Death tiles.

    Obviously this strategy requires a heck of a lot of green for Quicksilver's Fists of Fury, but it's working swell so far.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,529 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like SWitch/3* Fist/C4rol to burn him down early, but that works better with a boosted C4rol. Spider-Woman can be helpful to bulk-clear all his Death countdowns in the event you can't do anything about them otherwise, though Vulture is probably the more generally useful character there.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now that my alliance is getting into the later rounds, I'm using Teen Jean, 4Cyclops, and Switch (all boosted). Jean is almost essential in this event because her purple will remove all of those special tiles and get the Horseman off the board. It sucks because they'll drain 1 purple AP every round until you get enough, but Switch's purple generation is pretty good about overwhelming that. Scott is there to nuke him at the end, but his yellow is handy to gather more purple and his red/blue provide some board manipulation that can sometimes help remove Death's black countdown tiles.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Round 7, I'm still having a fairly easy time with Mockingbird, Teen Jean, and SWitch. It takes a ton of purple, but Jean uses it to clear out the Attacks and the Pestilence tile, and then I multi-fire Bobbi's purple to generate enough red to clear out the Famine tile. That leaves me with enough to fire Bombshell, which doesn't quite one-shot him anymore, but will absolutely clear out the War tile if it's not gone yet, leaving him weak enough that it's just mop-up after that.
  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    Isn't this what the 3*Deadpool's whales were invented for? Teamed with Switch for generation. 4* Cyclops as back up nuke.

    Also fun is the XFW (black) and XFDP (purple) combo which should finish him regularly. 
  • azninvasion2000
    azninvasion2000 Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    I've been having a blast with XFDP purple, then XFW black hyper nuke. I bring 3*IF along in case i get a bad board and need to fire his purple off to generate black 
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    I using IM40, Jessica Drew and Riri:
    IM40 to generate AP
    Riri for her damage through all her 3 abilities while generating red
    Jessica Drew for defense usig her black and removing special tiles with purple

    This team also has all colour covered with active abilities.
  • Iamzbot
    Iamzbot Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I know it's a little late to this, but I just want to share a team I had unreal success with, and maybe ya'll can try it out next time......

    Falcon (3*)
    Cyclops (3*)

    As soon as you fill up Falcon's blue, it helps to get rid of attack tiles and neutralizes the black death tiles whenever they popup for the most part if you focus on getting the other attack tiles out of the way. SWitches auto power of creating a whole bunch of pink pretty much takes care of one of the Horseman's plans, and then you can just focus on collecting red/black so Cyclops can make a nice little Apocolypse-roast! Until next time....

  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Knull is good against the Apocalypse PVE boss. The passive component from his purple deals some permanent damage, meaning Apocalypse cannot heal it back. Any ability that permanently damages or removes health (I think 5* Daken is also another option for this) can help.
  • Srheer0
    Srheer0 Posts: 510 Critical Contributor
    Surprised that this topic got resurrected instead of the one I made 9 months ago :P 

    5star daken as well as 4star morbius both do permanent health damage. D3adpool too, but I dont think you can ever kill someone with his red. 

    I ended up beating him with my alt with polaris, medusa and c4rnage. Only lost once. Medusa at max pink and c4rnage using green once the board is full of special tiles. Dealt like 9k damage and then lots more from polaris passives and almost always enough to kill him. 
  • Daniel2121
    Daniel2121 Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2022
    D3adpool's red doesn't deal permanent damage. Heroes can regenerate from it as they can from any normal damage. Idk why people keep saying that D3adpool's red deals permanent damage when that's clearly not true.

    The skills that deal permanent damage leave a small mark on the target's lifebar at the point where their remaining health is, and the portion of their health that was permanently removed is blacked out. If you keep using the skill on the same target, the blacked out portion correspondingly gets bigger with each use, and the small mark moves across their lifebar accordingly.

    D3adpool's red leaves a different, bigger mark which is always stuck over the middle of the target's lifebar and the health removed by it is not blacked out. It can still be healed.