List of Featured 5* Essentials

trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
edited September 2018 in MPQ Tips and Guides
List of Essential 5 Stars for Reference 
Venom Bomb (9/21/17) 5-Star: Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Volume 2) Latest
Unstable Iso-8 (9/25/17) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Latest
Hearts of Darkness (9/28/17) - 4 Day Variant 5-Star: Doctor Octopus (Classic) Latest
Webbed Wonder (10/2/17) - 3 Day Variant 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
Honor Among Thieves (10/8/17) 5-Star: Silver Surfer Classic
Simulator (10/12/17) - 3 Day, X-Men Variant 5-Star: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Latest
Deadpool Vs. MPQ (10/15/17) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
The Hunt - 3 Day Variant (10/19/17) 5-Star: Doctor Octopus (Classic) Latest
Thick as Thieves (10/22/17)  5-Star: Black Bolt Classic
*** Heroes for Hire store starts selling 5 Stars***
Meet Rocket & Groot - 3 Day Variant (10/26/17) 5-Star: Green Goblin Classic
Venom Bomb (10/29/17) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Latest
Enemy of the State (11/2/17) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
Strange Sights (11/9/17) 5-Star: Gambit (Classic) Latest
Unstable Iso-8 (11/12/17) 5-Star: Iron Man (Mark XLVI) Classic
Hearts of Darkness (11/16/17) 5-Star: Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Volume 2) Classic
Webbed Wonder (11/19/17) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Latest
The Hulk (11/23/17) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
Honor Among Thieves - 4 Day Variant (11/30/17) 5-Star: Gambit (Classic) Latest
Simulator (12/4/17) 5-Star: Hawkeye (Clint Barton) Classic
Deadpool Vs. MPQ (12/7/17) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Back in Black)  Classic
The Hunt (12/11/17) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
Thick as Thieves (12/17/17) 5-Star: Thor (Gladiator) Latest
Meet Rocket & Groot - 3 Day Variant (12/21/17) 5-Star: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Classic
Venom Bomb - 4 Day Variant (12/24/17) 5-Star: The Hulk (Bruce Banner) Classic
Enemy of the State (12/28/17) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
Unstable Iso-8 - 4 Day Variant (1/4/18) 5-Star: Gambit (Classic) Latest
Strange Sights (1/8/18) 5-Star: Archangel Latest
Hearts of Darkness - 4 Day Variant (1/11/18) 5-Star: Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) Classic
Webbed Wonder - 3 Day Variant (1/15/18) 5-Star: Jean Grey (Phoenix) Classic
Honor Among Thieves - 4 Day Variant (1/18/18) 5-Star: Thor (Gladiator) Latest
Simulator (1/22/18) 5-Star: Archangel Latest
Deadpool Vs. MPQ (1/28/18) 5-Star: Gambit (Classic) Latest
Thick as Thieves (2/1/18) 5-Star: Steve Rogers (First Avenger) Classic
The Hunt (2/5/18) 5-Star: Wolverine (Old Man Logan) Classic
Fight for Wakanda - 3 Day Version (2/8/18) 5-Star: Thor (Gladiator) Latest
Venom Bomb (2/11/18) 5-Star: Archangel Latest
Meet Rocket & Groot (2/18/18)  5-Star: Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) Latest
Fight for Wakanda - 4 Day Variant (2/22/18) 5-Star: Black Panther (Civil War) Classic
Prodigal Sun (2/26/18) 5-Star: Thanos (The Mad Titan) Classic
Strange Sights (3/5/18) 5-Star: Thor (Gladiator) Latest
Hearts of Darkness (3/11/18) 5-Star: Archangel Latest
Webbed Wonder - 3 Day Variant (3/15/18) 5-Star: Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) Latest
*** Classic 5 Stars begin to repeat ***
Deadpool Vs. MPQ (3/18/18)  5-Star: Silver Surfer Classic
Simulator (3/22/18) 5-Star: Doctor Octopus (Classic) Classic
Thick as Thieves (3/25/18) 5-Star: Thor (Gladiator) Latest
Venom Bomb (3/29/18) 5-Star: Archangel Latest
The Hunt (4/2/18) 5-Star: Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) Latest
Meet Rocket & Groot - 4 Day Variant (4/8/18) 5-Star: Black Bolt Classic
Fight for Wakanda (4/12/18) 5-Star: Green Goblin Classic
Simulator (4/16/18)  5-Star: Jessica Jones Latest
Webbed Wonder (4/22/18) 5-Star: Archangel Latest
Hearts of Darkness (4/26/18) 5-Star: Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) Latest
Honor Among Thieves 4-Day Variant (4/29/18) 5-Star: Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Volume 2) Classic
Strange Sights (5/3/18) 5-Star: Iron Man (Mark XLVI) Classic
Thick as Thieves (5/6/18) 5-Star: Jessica Jones Latest
Unstable Iso-8 - 3 Day Variant (5/10/18) 5-Star: Captain America (Infinity War) Latest
Fight for Wakanda (5/13/18) 5-Star: Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) Latest
Venom Bomb (5/20/18) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Classic
Meet Rocket & Groot (5/24/18) 5-Star: Hawkeye (Clint Barton) Classic
Webbed Wonder (5/28/18) 5-Star: Jessica Jones Latest
Deadpool Vs. MPQ (6/3/18) 5-Star: Captain America (Infinity War) Latest
The Hunt - 3 Day Variant (6/7/18) 5-Star: Okoye Latest
Hearts of Darkness (6/10/18) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Back in Black) Classic
Honor Among Thieves - 4 Day Variant (6/17/18) 5-Star: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Classic
Simulator (6/21/18) 5-Star: Jessica Jones Latest
Thick as Thieves (6/24/18) 5-Star: Captain America (Infinity War) Latest
Unstable Iso-8 - 4 Day Variant (7/1/18) 5-Star: Okoye Latest
Strange Sights (7/5/18) 5-Star: The Hulk (Bruce Banner) Classic
Venom Bomb (7/8/18) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Classic
Meet Rocket & Groot (7/15/18) 5-Star: Jessica Jones Latest
Deadpool Vs. MPQ (7/19/18) 5-Star: Captain America (Infinity War) Latest
Simulator (7/23/18) 5-Star: Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) Latest
The Hunt (7/26/18) - 3 Day Variant 5-Star: Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) Classic
Honor Among Thieves - 4 Day Variant (8/2/18) 5-Star: Okoye Latest
Unstable Iso-8 (8/6/18) 5-Star: Captain America (Infinity War) Latest
Thick as Thieves (8/12/18) 5-Star: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Classic
Venom Bomb (8/16/18) 5-Star: Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) Latest
Webbed Wonder (8/20/18) 5-Star: Captain America (Infinity War) Latest
Strange Sights (8/23/18) 5-Star: Okoye Latest
The Hunt - 4 Day Variant (8/26/18) 5-Star: Wolverine (Old Man Logan) Classic
Meet Rocket & Groot - 4 Day Variant (9/2/18)
5-Star: Captain America (First Avenger) Classic
Hearts of Darkness - 4 Day Variant (9/6/18) 5-Star: Loki (God of Mischief) Latest
Simulator - 3 Day Variant (9/10/18) 5-Star: Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) Latest
The Hulk - 7 Day Event (9/13/18)
5-Star: Okoye Latest

5-Star Last Time Appearances
 Jean Grey (Phoenix) 15-Jan 1
 Gambit (Classic) 28-Jan 4
 Black Panther (Civil War) 22-Feb 1
 Thanos (The Mad Titan) 26-Feb 1
 Silver Surfer 18-Mar 2
 Doctor Octopus (Classic) 22-Mar 3
 Thor (Gladiator) 25-Mar 5
 Black Bolt 8-Apr 2
 Green Goblin 12-Apr 2
 Archangel 22-Apr 6
 Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Volume 2) 29-Apr 3
 Iron Man (Mark XLVI) 3-May 2
 Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) 13-May 5
 Spider-Man (Peter Parker) 20-May 5
 Hawkeye (Clint Barton) 24-May 2
 Spider-Man (Back in Black) 10-Jun 2
 The Hulk (Bruce Banner) 5-Jul 2
 Daredevil (Matt Murdock) 8-Jul 7
 Jessica Jones 15-Jul 5
 Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) 26-Jul 2
 Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) 12-Aug 3
 Captain America (Infinity War) 20-Aug 6
 Wolverine (Old Man Logan) 26-Aug 2
 Steve Rogers (First Avenger) 2-Sep 2
 Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) 10-Sep 3
 Okoye 13-Sep 5


  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for putting this together. Looks like Black Panther and Thanos are the only Classics who haven't had a turn yet. Once they're featured, it will be interesting to see what the order will be.

    I'm curious if they'll feature the 5*s who began the cycle as Latests (Doc Ock to Gambit, who will be in Classics by that point) or if they'll go back to Surfer and work the other ones in at later points. Or if they'll go back to Surfer at all.

    I'm also curious how they'll treat the featured cover in the HfH store for Doc Ock through Gambit. My 5pidey is 5/5/1, and I'm pretty sure his last time being featured as a Latest, his green cover was available. I'm really hoping they don't start over at the top for him the first time he's featured as a Classic. 
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    edited February 2018
    Updated as of 2/19/2018
    *Also updated to show when the required 5 star was available to purchase from the Heroes for Hire store. 
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Updated 3/1/2018
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    edited March 2018
    Updated 3/18/2018
    Looks like Surfer is 1st repeated Classic. Makes some sense as he was the first Classic essential 5* back on October 8th, but the Latest essentials that came before him are now Classics. So in other words, no idea how the order will play out. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    trat73 said:
    Updated 3/18/2018
    Looks like Surfer is 1st repeated Classic. Makes some sense as he was the first Classic essential 5* back on October 8th, but the Latest essentials that came before him are now Classics. So in other words, no idea how the order will play out. 

    It's also Worth noting that Surfer's Heroes for Hire cover was red, his second color, despite not being offered as a HfH Before. No problem for me as I could use both blue and red for Surfer and can use black but not green for Black Bolt (who should be up next), but it's still a deviation from what could be expected.

    Also, the first Classic essential was Star-Lord, but he was already featured a second time due to an oversight so he shouldn't be featured this round.

  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sneak peak got updated and next up is doc ock. Did they just skip Peter Parker and Daredevil? Makes no sense at all
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    Pongie said:
    Sneak peak got updated and next up is doc ock. Did they just skip Peter Parker and Daredevil? Makes no sense at all

    I Think it makes sense if you look at the latest date the character was essential:


    The Hunt - 3 Day Variant (10/19/17) 5-Star: Doctor Octopus (Classic) Latest
    Thick as Thieves (10/22/17)  5-Star: Black Bolt Classic
    *** Heroes for Hire store starts selling 5 Stars***
    Meet Rocket & Groot - 3 Day Variant (10/26/17) 5-Star: Green Goblin Classic
    Unstable Iso-8 (11/12/17) 5-Star: Iron Man (Mark XLVI) Classic
    Hearts of Darkness (11/16/17) 5-Star: Star-Lord (Awesome Mix Volume 2) Classic
    Webbed Wonder (11/19/17) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Peter Parker) Latest
    Simulator (12/4/17) 5-Star: Hawkeye (Clint Barton) Classic
    Deadpool Vs. MPQ (12/7/17) 5-Star: Spider-Man (Back in Black)  Classic
    Meet Rocket & Groot - 3 Day Variant (12/21/17) 5-Star: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) Classic
    Venom Bomb - 4 Day Variant (12/24/17) 5-Star: The Hulk (Bruce Banner) Classic
    Enemy of the State (12/28/17) 5-Star: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) Latest
    Hearts of Darkness - 4 Day Variant (1/11/18) 5-Star: Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) Classic
    Webbed Wonder - 3 Day Variant (1/15/18) 5-Star: Jean Grey (Phoenix) Classic
    Deadpool Vs. MPQ (1/28/18) 5-Star: Gambit (Classic) Latest
    Thick as Thieves (2/1/18) 5-Star: Steve Rogers (First Avenger) Classic
    The Hunt (2/5/18) 5-Star: Wolverine (Old Man Logan) Classic
    Fight for Wakanda - 4 Day Variant (2/22/18) 5-Star: Black Panther (Civil War) Classic
    Prodigal Sun (2/26/18) 5-Star: Thanos (The Mad Titan) Classic
    Strange Sights (3/5/18) 5-Star: Thor (Gladiator) Latest
    Hearts of Darkness (3/11/18)
    5-Star: Archangel Latest
    Webbed Wonder - 3 Day Variant (3/15/18) 5-Star: Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) Latest
    Deadpool Vs. MPQ (3/18/18) 
    5-Star: Silver Surfer Classic

    Doc Ock was last essential Before Black Bolt was, so it only makes sense he comes first. Next two Classics should be Black Bolt and Green Goblin if they stick to this order.

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2018
    There... much better. Stupid forum formatting.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    I love this thread and that it’s being kept up to date as a resource for players.

    I might recommend that it isn’t really necessary to list the characters as “5 Star: xxxxxxx” since the thread title makes it clear that we are looking at 5 Star essentials.  Maybe moving forward just use the character name.

    Thank you!
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Updated 4/2/2018. Worth noting (correct me if I'm wrong) that when Thor was essential in the Thick as Thieves (3/25/18) event he was in Latest packs but was bumped to Classics before it ended to make room for Jessica
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    trat73 said:
    Updated 4/2/2018. Worth noting (correct me if I'm wrong) that when Thor was essential in the Thick as Thieves (3/25/18) event he was in Latest packs but was bumped to Classics before it ended to make room for Jessica

    That's been par for the course really - I Think Spider-man, Daredevil and Gambit all Went Classic while offered as a Latest fivestar in Heroes for Hire. Got to squeeze the juice...
  • fruinjuice
    fruinjuice Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I took this list and moved / modified it into a google Docs Sheet - I haven't added the dates in yet. 

    I added future predictions of the classic covers up to the end of the second run.  I stuck with a Latest, Latest, Latest, Classic, Classic order as I saw no discernable pattern.

    Open editing is available for now.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I took this list and moved / modified it into a google Docs Sheet - I haven't added the dates in yet. 

    I added future predictions of the classic covers up to the end of the second run.  I stuck with a Latest, Latest, Latest, Classic, Classic order as I saw no discernable pattern.

    Open editing is available for now.

    A few comments:

    This was Black Bolt's first time in the HfH store, so it's not surprising they Went with the first color. The real head scratcher is why they offered a red cover for Silver Surfer, but I suppose they forgot Surfer hadn't had an offer Before and assumed red was due. I suspect the next offer for Surfer will be for his blue instead.

    Star-Lord's last run as a Classic essential was Before Peter Parker's last run as a Latest essential, so if Star-Lord is featured again, he will be Before Peter Parker. However, since he was mistakenly featured twice already Star-Lord may be skipped in this cycle.

    I don't want to mess with a document I am not familiar with, so I am posting my feedback here instead.

  • fruinjuice
    fruinjuice Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Quebbster said:

    A few comments:

    This was Black Bolt's first time in the HfH store, so it's not surprising they Went with the first color. The real head scratcher is why they offered a red cover for Silver Surfer, but I suppose they forgot Surfer hadn't had an offer Before and assumed red was due. I suspect the next offer for Surfer will be for his blue instead.

    Star-Lord's last run as a Classic essential was Before Peter Parker's last run as a Latest essential, so if Star-Lord is featured again, he will be Before Peter Parker. However, since he was mistakenly featured twice already Star-Lord may be skipped in this cycle.

    I don't want to mess with a document I am not familiar with, so I am posting my feedback here instead.

    Thanks, Quebbster...I made a couple of changes based on your comments.  I guess we'll see how the covers fall as the months roll on.
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Update 4/28/2018
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I see I was wrong about Star-Lord being skipped as a fivestar essential this time. He was also featured a bit out of order since Iron Man should be up first, but that may be due to it being Honor Among Thieves running. I assume Iron Man is up next.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    One theory as to why 5SL was run now is because they wanted to make 4SL the reward for HaT and making both 4SL and 5SL essential would not work well for the next event.  There is an order of a sort for the 4E, mostly based on how long it’s been since they were essential.
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Updated 5/26/2018
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you haven't figured this out, the pattern that has appeared for running "new Classics" is as follows:  They will be inserted based on the last time they were run as Latest essentials into the Classic order.

    So the Classic order that is left in this run should be:

    Black Widow
    Cap FA

    Since Thor and Archangel both ran as Latest after the first Classic run ended, then I guess we have to assume that they won't appear in Classics for a while.  About 4 months before the current run ends, then about another 4-5 months before they rotate in.

    HFH for DD should be green next.  HFH for Gambit should be red next.  This is based on the fact that they both ran 4 times in the HFH store previously and they progress the color once each time (normally).
  • trat73
    trat73 Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Updated 6/18/2018