Looking for alliance

edited March 2014 in MPQ Alliances
As the title says, I am looking for an alliance to join. I typically finish top 10/50/100 on most events depending on my schedule but either way here is my lineup. Pretty busy with work at the moment but I should be jumping up rank on the alliance event before it ends.

Also included is a screenshot of my current ranks



  • Thule will give you a warm spot icon_e_wink.gif
  • Forgot to mention I am looking for a top 100 alliance since I usually place around there for most large events
  • Try : SKYNET

    We are currently ranked 20
  • I'm also looking for alliances
    I'm at rank 2
  • The Church of Patches would welcome thee, as long as thine Bladed One shows devotion. All we require is a small tithe from thee to open doors for new members. Search for 'Ace of Blades'

  • Ace of Blades
    this full
    8 by 8
  • Postal is currently #65 you could help raise us up even higher

    imgnthat *currently ranked 1st
  • Hey Sugoi6 and imgnthat please check your PM I sent you a msg