Hitting that wall

Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I played MPQ last year and recently picked it back up, starting over from scratch after getting a new device because I never linked to Facebook. I return to a game that has changed quite a bit since I last played and I've simply hit a wall.

I have 1* Iron man, 1* Storm, and 1* Hawkeye (not a fan of the 1* Widow). Iron man is like lvl 11, Storm and Hawkeye I think are lvl 6.

I'm at a point in the game where the single player has become really rough and I'm not going to progress unless I can level up my team, but I don't have any more covers. I tried pulling some covers with the standard tokens I got, as well as with HP, and even a couple tries using 500 ISO. I got several Venoms, Yelenas, and one Bullseye. None of those are characters I am interested in investing in. I did use 50HP to get a Hawkeye cover
I thought I'd try my luck with some PVP, but all my match-ups were against teams that are 10-15 levels higher than my team. I started skipping them until I realized it was costing me ISO, but never found a team I had an even remote chance against. The Hulk PvE was even worse. My team has no chance, NO CHANCE, of winning any of those fights.

I feel literally stuck and don't know what to do. I'd have no problem investing $20 for some HP and buying some new random covers, but I'm afraid I'll end up in the same situation. How many 2* covers can I get for $20? How many of those will be the same character? Will I end up with a couple of characters I like, but only be able to level them up to 8-10 before I hit another wall?

I'd invest HP into Iron Man/Storm/Hawkeye to power up their abilities, but I really don't want to waste what precious little HP I get on 1* characters I am eventually never going to play again.

I'm not complaining, really, I love the game. But does anyone have any advice for me?


  • Refight prologue fights to build up your existing character. You can redo most of them to get multiple rewards. 1* Widow is actually pretty good, as 1* characters go, though Storm is probably the best.
  • See Northern Polarity's awesome guide at

  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Refight prologue fights to build up your existing character. You can redo most of them to get multiple rewards. 1* Widow is actually pretty good, as 1* characters go, though Storm is probably the best.

    I can certainly get more ISO, even if it is 20 at a time, but my problem is that I am at level-max with my characters and no more covers.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Refight prologue fights to build up your existing character. You can redo most of them to get multiple rewards. 1* Widow is actually pretty good, as 1* characters go, though Storm is probably the best.

    I can certainly get more ISO, even if it is 20 at a time, but my problem is that I am at level-max with my characters and no more covers.

    Have you exhausted the missions that give covers/standard tokens? I'm pretty perplexed by your case, since I didn't think before that it was possible to be completely dry on covers that early into the game.
  • Have you tried SHIELD training? While diminishing returns set in eventually, it can give you a boost.

    Don't spend HP on tokens, buy roster slots instead. Much more valuable in the long run. Iso on standard tokens isn't too good a deal, but if you're really cover-starved, maybe try it again.

    Even if you don't really like some of the one-star characters, you might consider using them, for now, if they're the ones you wind up being able to level most.

    Most prologue fights have 4 different rewards available -- each time you replay, you may get one of the rewards (or a 20 iso consolation prize)
  • The mistake was spending ISO (and HP) on covers. Generally considered a majorly-handicapping rookie mistake.

    You can ride IM35, mStorm, and mBW through the first 3 and part of the 4th prologue mission, at least getting them up to level 30.