* Juggernaut (Classic) *

edited November 2015 in Character Details
icon_juggernaut.pngJuggernaut (Classic) - 1*
Damage, Health and Other Statistics

Unstoppable Crash
Power Cost - 10 greentile.png

Juggernaut's momentum sends him barrelling through the battlefield.

    Power Level 1 - Destroys 16 random tiles. Does not generate AP.
    Power Level 2 - Costs 1 greentile.png less.
    Power Level 3 - Costs 1 greentile.png less.
    Power Level 4 - Costs 1 greentile.png less.
    Power Level 5 - Costs 1 greentile.png less.

    Power Cost - 10 redtile.png

    Juggernaut slams head-first into the enemy.

      Power Level 1 - Deals 125 damage to the target and 63 damage to himself.
      Power Level 2 - Costs 1 redtile.png less.
      Power Level 3 - Costs 1 redtile.png less.
      Power Level 4 - Costs 1 redtile.png less.
      Power Level 5 - Costs 1 redtile.png less.

      Character Level 40:
        Power Level 5 - 1100 damage to the target and 550 damage to himself.

        Last Major Update: 2013

        Original Post:
        [anchor=juggernaut1]Juggernaut (Classic)[/anchor]
        1 Star Rarity (Common) Discussion link
        At Max Level: HP: 3520 Tile damage: 7/22/6/7/25/9
          Unstoppable Crash - Green 10 AP
          Juggernaut's momentum sends him barreling through the battlefield, destroying 16 random tiles. Does not generate AP.
          Level Upgrades
            Level 2: Costs 1 AP less. Level 3: Costs 1 AP less. Level 4: Costs 1 AP less. Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
            Headbutt - Red 10 AP
            Juggernaut slams head-first into the enemy, dealing 125 damage to the target and 63 damage to himself.
            Level Upgrades
              Level 2: Costs 1 AP less. Level 3: Costs 1 AP less. Level 4: Costs 1 AP less. Level 5: Costs 1 AP less.
            Max Level: 1100 damage to target and 550 to himself


            • Not much discussion unlike the other threads.

              Anyone have input on him? Whether he's worth investing in? He's one of the only characters I have enough skills to actually level up a bit.
            • NorthernPolarity
              NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
              HIs low level cap prevents him from really being useful unless you are a beginner with access to only 1* covers. Even so, Iron man / modern storm / modern widow seem to be better iso targets anyways, so this guy is largely a dud unless you're level capped on them and desperately need a body to be able to place in tournaments/events. I would try to ignore Juggs as much as possible.
            • I don't agree. Juggernaut did really well for me early on; both of his abilities are incredibly cheap and powerful, with Crash getting you out of a lot of tight spots against countdown tiles/Daken tiles/etc., and Headbutt allowing you to win fights against teams that are much higher level. He's a huge deterrent to attackers in low level PvP since he's impossible to focus and does tons of damage. Finally, his high health means you will use fewer health packs to recover from fights.

              You could argue that he overlaps with M-Storm, but I think he actually works well with Storm since he can tank for all of her colors. And even though Crash is not as good as Lightning Strike, it's much more spammable to get you out of trouble. The only real problem with Juggernaut is that he only goes up to level 40, so he's not a long term investment, but I do think a lv40 Juggernaut is more useful than a lv50 Iron Man.
            • Dayv
              Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
              I never leveled Juggernaut because I get annoyed at characters with only two skills and at self-damagers. Since he does both, he's one of my least favorite characters. Basically, him and Bag-Man can die in a fire. I'll level Yelena (and have) before either of those two.
            • Love him, I have him fully levelled at 40 and he's a tank.
            • NorthernPolarity
              NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
              Celerity wrote:
              I don't agree. Juggernaut did really well for me early on; both of his abilities are incredibly cheap and powerful, with Crash getting you out of a lot of tight spots against countdown tiles/Daken tiles/etc., and Headbutt allowing you to win fights against teams that are much higher level. He's a huge deterrent to attackers in low level PvP since he's impossible to focus and does tons of damage. Finally, his high health means you will use fewer health packs to recover from fights.

              You could argue that he overlaps with M-Storm, but I think he actually works well with Storm since he can tank for all of her colors. And even though Crash is not as good as Lightning Strike, it's much more spammable to get you out of trouble. The only real problem with Juggernaut is that he only goes up to level 40, so he's not a long term investment, but I do think a lv40 Juggernaut is more useful than a lv50 Iron Man.

              I will admit that his abilties are cheap and extremely annoying to play against. I haven't actually used Juggernaut in my roster, but I can hypothesize that by the time you get enough covers to consider juggernaut as an option, you will have already pumped enough iso into the iron man that it wouldn't make sense to level the juggs since they fill a very similar role. If I'm wrong and you can get a lot of juggs covers really early, then it would be worth considering having him replace iron man. I like having the yellow on the iron man though, since pairing juggs with widow/storm would mean that you don't have a character that uses yellow.
            • He's like Zubat. Annoying to encounter, but don't really want to use.
            • I leveled him when I first started because he was part of a tournement. Didn't really use him afterwards besides as a sub when someone went down. He isn't great but he is cheaper to level than most and he can win you matches with his red before you have a decent thor/wolverine. If you can though, saving ISO for a 2** is a better option. He isn't awful or anything though. If he didn't self damage he would be good for a 1* even...self damage in a game requiring some level of character longevity is a huge disadvantage. He is more defensive than offensive...making him a great(ly annoying) opponent in pve.
            • Ronfar
              Ronfar Posts: 150
              He's pretty good for a 1-star character; Unstoppable Crash is pretty good at clearing out countdown tiles from minions, his HP is high for his level, and nobody likes to PvP against him with a low level team. On the other hand, a max level of 40 seriously impairs his long-term viability. My Juggernaut is currently sitting at the back of my roster stuck at level 16; if I had gotten him earlier he'd be at a higher level right now.
            • Thanks for the feedback everyone. I think I'm one of the rare cases where I got lucky to get a lot of him early. I like running him over Storm since he has much higher hp - I haven't run into the level cap issues though and once I get to that level I'm sure the 40 cap will become annoying.

              I think the nice thing about him is that with only 2 slots it's pretty easy to max him out early and I generally just spam his green. Like others have said his red is nice for just finishing something off, but the at the point where I'm at I use red for IM35/ classic hawkeye for destroying tiles.


              basically what Ronfar said above except much less eloquently
            • Dragon_Nexus
              Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
              3600 damage for 6 reds?

              Raging a bit because my session has ended today in about 3 minutes. He somehow managed to get 6 reds without me noticing within a few moves and killed Storm. Then in the next move he did it again and brought Thor down to low heath, got a cascade and killed him. Then it wasn't worth playing any more.
              Healed up, tried again...same thing.

              So I guess I'll have to wait a few hours to gain my guys back and use boosts to hopefully stand a chance.

              Game also did that thing where it gives you loads of colours, but stops when you're one away from an ability. So I died with 8 blues, 11 yellows, 6 reds, 4 greens and 8 purples.
            • 3600 damage for 6 reds?

              Raging a bit because my session has ended today in about 3 minutes. He somehow managed to get 6 reds without me noticing within a few moves and killed Storm. Then in the next move he did it again and brought Thor down to low heath, got a cascade and killed him. Then it wasn't worth playing any more.
              Healed up, tried again...same thing.

              So I guess I'll have to wait a few hours to gain my guys back and use boosts to hopefully stand a chance.

              Game also did that thing where it gives you loads of colours, but stops when you're one away from an ability. So I died with 8 blues, 11 yellows, 6 reds, 4 greens and 8 purples.

              These are growing pains. Even the 10k plus Juggernaut does my bidding. Just deny him red and take a super 3 star team compromising of Spidey and Hulk. With Hulk Juggernaut basically kills himself. You just need a level 100+ Hulk icon_e_smile.gif
            • I wiped the floor with him using OBW, M.Storm, and Punisher.
            • First try in the Sudan area for the ISO reward. Facing 125 Ares, Juggernaut, Moonstone. This is how it played out. I start on a board full of green but I can't get a 5 match for extra turn.

              1st turn: I make a green and a yellow match. Enemies make a green, cascades to a second green and a red.
              2nd turn: I make a black to place placing Punisher in front to soak the hit. Jug uses his green and after 2-3 cascades Punisher is down to half health. He has 6 green and 6 red at this point
              3rd turn: Make a green with Patch. Jug uses red and green on Wolverine who is at 20-30% health.

              At this point I quit to save OBW from the humiliation of getting ko-ed. Great job devs. You should write a guide "How to ruin a gamer's life".

              EDIT: Oh, and after I wrote this, I go back to see 129 level now. ****? lol
            • I used to complain a bit about these matches until I learned that this game doesn't hand you prizes and you actually have to alter your team composition depending on what you're facing. I did the ISO mission in Sudan facing a 159 Ares/Juggs/Moonstone with my team of 120 IM40 / 68 CStorm / 20 Magneto Marvel Now. I used one of my remaining +3 purple/blue boosts and that was the only boost (meaning you could still do this under the new system of buffs).

              2 of my first 3 matches were purple (the other was a red to deny Juggs). Magneto made a lot of blue for Storm and arranged the board to get a couple of small cascades, Storm stunned Juggs and 2 turns later stunned Ares, killing Moonstone in the process. From there it was just Storm's green and blue, over and over, using Magneto's purple and the environment tiles to fill in the gaps.

              The only person who took any damage was CStorm b/c the buff puts her in front for 2 colors. IM40 was intended to be there for Recharge and to soak damage on red matches - he was entirely irrelevant (though in other matches with this setup he has been more useful).

              Not to say I haven't had my fill of frustrating matches, however this shouldn't be one of them. OBW has little reason to be in this battle, I feel. Recon isn't as strong here b/c your team doesn't have any uber abilities to feed - strike tiles are great and all but you're obviously not going to race the DA's in a straight up slug-fest. Patch / OBW / Punisher has very little board control, nothing to generate OBW purple, and no opposing team control. You're kind of setting yourself up for failure on this board with that team.

              Edit: I just remembered/realized that there are 2 Juggs/Ares/Moonstone missions in Sudan. I was referring to the desert one with the above anecdote, not the lab. My lab levels are only 137 so Juggs has a nice modest 11k health. icon_e_smile.gif
            • Then I guess it is unfortunate that my top level characters are OBW, Ares, Punisher and Patch. It's good for you that you have a 120 Iron Man 40, but I guess you are not a mid tier player.

              My point is, don't put this silly team (Jug, Ares, Moonstone) with the ridiculously cheap abilities on the mission with the most points and the ISO bonus. Put it in the second most difficult mission to give the mid tier players a chance to get some points and ISO.
            • Dragon_Nexus
              Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
              The game is about randomness, and I know that's the point but it's also my point.
              I can get in a good groove with Thor and C.Storm if the tiles are there. Once I've got the right tiles stored up, I can then take out the enemy team without allowing them to move again, just looping Thor's yellow with C.Storm's green with some Thor Red in the mean time.

              Or other times the board can be full of blacks and purples and environmental tiles and I get no-where.

              I did beat that fight but I didn't *dare* try Ares and Juggernaut. I have nothing that can compete against that. Ares hits like...well like a God o_o
            • 3600 damage for 6 reds?

              Raging a bit because my session has ended today in about 3 minutes. He somehow managed to get 6 reds without me noticing within a few moves and killed Storm. Then in the next move he did it again and brought Thor down to low heath, got a cascade and killed him. Then it wasn't worth playing any more.
              Healed up, tried again...same thing.

              So I guess I'll have to wait a few hours to gain my guys back and use boosts to hopefully stand a chance.

              Game also did that thing where it gives you loads of colours, but stops when you're one away from an ability. So I died with 8 blues, 11 yellows, 6 reds, 4 greens and 8 purples.

              just retreat when Opponent collect enough ap to nuke you down... but if you trust your luck and manage to get cascade in the next matching then go ahead icon_mrgreen.gif
              plus if you got stunner keep stun them from using the ap collected... buy some time.. and clear the match easily
            • Used a lvl 45 psylocke, a lvl 34 MN Magneto and a lvl 40 modern black widow to down that team. Went fairly easy.

              Deny red and gather blue and/or purple and keep the worst opponent stunned.
            • Narkon wrote:
              Then I guess it is unfortunate that my top level characters are OBW, Ares, Punisher and Patch. It's good for you that you have a 120 Iron Man 40, but I guess you are not a mid tier player.

              My point is, don't put this silly team (Jug, Ares, Moonstone) with the ridiculously cheap abilities on the mission with the most points and the ISO bonus. Put it in the second most difficult mission to give the mid tier players a chance to get some points and ISO.
              I guess you missed the part where I said he was irrelevant this battle. If I was using my high level characters, I would have thrown in one of the other 5 characters in my roster that are higher level than a 68 Storm. But I didn't - I threw a level 20 and a level 68 in there and they were the ones who did the heavy lifting. IM40 didn't make a single relevant match and my CStorm tanked the handful of hits I took.

              As I said before (and what you ignored), it's about team composition. You're not racing them in damage. Period. Which is what you're trying to do with a Patch / OBW / Punisher team. You're using 2 unbuffed characters, with no real board control, with no stuns, and who buffs your opponent's already high damage output.

              Also, you're complaining that you - a self-proclaimed mid-tier player - can't beat the last mission in hard mode. Boo hoo hoo.