Team Puzzle Quest and Team D3Go!

buscemi Posts: 673 Critical Contributor
edited January 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion

This makes me really, really sad. These are players I've idolized for many, many years, and I'd hate to see their names tarnished by association with this game. I'm going to be writing to all of them to encourage them to end their advertising deal, and I strongly encourage other people to do the same. Sending links to this forum here is probably the best way to help them see what an unholy mess this game is.

This move is also going to push the game further into the spotlight where it will be scrutinized by WOTC. In the past, I've considered writing to Mark Rosewater (who, famously, tries to read all the letters and emails he is sent by fans), but I stopped short of sending, realising that if he were to take my analysis of the game as truth (unlikely, I know!), his most likely course of action would be to close the game down rather than attempt to fix it it any way. I, personally, no longer feel that this game is safe in the hands of D3 and Hibernum. WOTC is currently opening up a digital studio:

...and I for one would like to see them withdraw the MTG licence from D3 and start work on their own more professionally produced game.


  • Nitymp
    Nitymp Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    inb4 modded.

    But yes, I agree. Perhaps its time to let more competent people take the reins.
  • buscemi
    buscemi Posts: 673 Critical Contributor
    They can mod this is they wish. Rest assured this won't be the only place I'll be posting on the internet.
  • Volrak
    Volrak Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    Ok, I'll bite. I don't get where it becomes valid to decide for a whole bunch of people you've never met that they shouldn't be associated with something. Especially if you're happy to be associated with that thing yourself.

    As for writing to MaRo, I'd say go for it if you're keen. His insight is always welcome.
  • SpaceDuck
    SpaceDuck Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Trying to get banned tonight? There are at least 30,000 active players who aren't (edited out - please refrain from insulting others // Alve), who really love this game and I think that D3 and WoTC will listen to them first.

    It is a great gateway to get people like me back into paper if they had lapsed...even more so than Duels and Twitch streams.

    If you do write a QQ drama letter please post it here. That way my wife and I can write to him too with a picture of all the paper cards that we wouldn't have otherwise bought since getting into this game over the summer.
  • Sorin81
    Sorin81 Posts: 545 Critical Contributor
    SpaceDuck wrote:
    There are at least 30,000 active players who......... really love this game and I think that D3 and WoTC will listen to them first.

    Yes there are thousands of us who love MtGPQ. We wouldn't log in and play daily for months on end if we didn't. Nonetheless that doesn't change the fact that the game has several ongoing issues that need attention.
    I'm sure we all have our own complaints about the game and how it is being handled by D3, but we come here to say our piece and go back to the game. I personally believe that both WoTC and D3 will listen. Will they do anything to fix it? I don't know. I'm willing to give them a chance. As far as I know D3 handles all of the Puzzlequest games and if WoTC were to pull the MTG licence from them it's a likely conclusion that doing so would be the end of this game. I for one have invested too much time in MtGPQ and do not wish to see that happen.
    buscemi wrote:

    This makes me really, really sad. These are players I've idolized for many, many years, and I'd hate to see their names tarnished by association with this game.

    As far as this goes, if these players wish to associate themselves with this game, whether they are familiar with its problems or not, they are free to do so. If there names and reputations are tarnished by doing so then that is a consequence of the choice they made.