Kaladesh bundle?

gulgoth Posts: 73
edited January 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Anyone have any idea what the reward for top 2 coalitions is this event?


  • Gideon
    Gideon Posts: 341 Mover and Shaker
    It's still just a fat pack and crystals. They are using the word bundle to describe the prizes now. Refer to purchasable red card bundle for reference.
  • gulgoth
    gulgoth Posts: 73
    edited January 2017
    A bundle is 4 fat packs 25k runes and 500 crystals if you want to go by that logic. The red bundle says it contains 4 red "fat packs". If they do mean just a fat pack they are very inconsistent when it comes to naming things.
    THEMAGICkMAN Posts: 697 Critical Contributor
    I'm assuming it's still a fat pack, and they've changed the name of it to align with paper magic, as paper magic has somewhat recently changed fat packs names to bundles.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    gulgoth wrote:
    A bundle is 4 fat packs 25k runes and 500 crystals if you want to go by that logic. The red bundle says it contains 4 red "fat packs". If they do mean just a fat pack they are very inconsistent when it comes to naming things.
    The Red Cards Bundle Pack currently on sale is not four Fat Packs, it is simply one Fat Pack which they display as 4x booster packs. I can almost guarantee they are changing Fat Packs' naming to Bundle Packs as that is the new name for them in the paper version of the game and as with most things, they only updated for one thing and managed to forget about the 13 other places that call it a Fat Pack.