Yet another roster question

edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Need a bit of help from the more experienced players. Here's my current roster:
Thor ..............................(lvl 60) ..............3/2/5
Storm Classic ....................(lvl 51) ..............3/3/4
Iron Man mod.35 ................(lvl 50) ..............4/5/4
Storm Modern ...................(lvl 50) ..............5/3/5
Wolverine Astonishing ..........(lvl 48) ..............3/3/4
Black Widow Original ...........(lvl 32) ..............3/2/4
Wolverine Patch .................(lvl 30) ..............1/1/3
Black Widow Modern ............(lvl 24) ..............5/5
Spider-Man Bag ..................(lvl 24) ..............4/2/3
Daredevil .........................(lvl 15) ..............3/-/1
Black Widow Grey Suit ..........(lvl 15) ..............1/-/1
Iron Man mod.40 ................(lvl 15)............... -/-/1
Magneto Classic .................(lvl 15) ...............1/-/-
Spider-Man classic ..............(lvl 15) ...............-/1/-
The Hulk .........................(lvl 15)............... 1/-/-
Ares ..............................(lvl 14) ...............1/1/2
Captain America ................(lvl 6) ................2/1/2
Moonstone .......................(lvl 6) ................1/-/2

Currently I have the following waiting to be claimed:
Daken x3 (Pheromone Rage)
Ragnarok x2 (Godlike Power)
Magneto Marvel NOW! (Iron Hammer)
Hawkeye Modern (Avoid)

I know I made a lot of mistakes in my original roster, but when I started playing the game it was supposed to be just a bit of fun to kill the time so I wasn't really paying attention that much. By the time I realized I got hooked, it was too late and a lot of good covers were sold for scrap, many characters were built not quite the way I'd do it now and so on. Anyhow, since I don't want to buy HP for cash, I have a limited roster (18 positions currently) and as the countdown timers on the waiting characters are coming dangerously close to 24h, I have to make a decision who stays and who goes.

At this point I'm considering scrapping my Bag-Man Spider-Man (I hardly ever use him) and Ares (because all of his skills appear to be a double-edged sword: they do damage, but they also help the other team, and that's not something I want to be doing). I'm considering adding Daken to my team, because I took a LOT of damage in PvP games from his Pheromone Rage, which effectively blocked my Thor and/or Wolvie and I'm also looking at Ragnarok. I'm not really a fan of his Godlike Power (although I've seen it come in handy), but Thunderclap (adding a bunch of green tiles to the board) seems to be perfect as a support skill for either Wolverine's or Thor's green attacks. I'd get rid of some of the * characters (either Iron Man or Storm) since I'm not really using them that much (yes, I spam Classic Storm/Thor/OBW), but they're maxed out at the moment and one never knows when they might come in handy...

TL;DR: should I replace Bag-Man Spider-Man with Daken and Ares with Ragnarok?


  • Drop bagman and consider moonstone before Ares, although you already have a RGY already in Thor. Rags is also worth recruiting. Daken is worth it too.
  • There should be a transition from 1* to 2* on your roster. I recently sold my Modern BW and I suggest you do the same as you will find OBW to be quite superior. As other threads have mentioned, you may want to sell IM35 as Thor does a good job filling the tank role.

    So many characters. Like Pokemon, you want to catch them all. But it gets rather costly. Difficult choices need to be made and it will get harder once D3 continues to release new characters. I sold a Purple Loki 3 weeks ago as I felt he took up a value spot I could use for 2* progression. I doubt he will be the last.
  • My advice:

    Get rid of bagman, you'll never use him.

    Do NOT get rid of Ares, he's one of the best 2* imo, he has good damage output for being a 2*, and even though some of his abilities seem to have drawbacks, they can be mitigated through careful planning. For example, Sunder does good damage, but also hurts you....but it's actually not that bad if you plan properly, so the created yellow countdown tile doesn't get matched....if the cd tile triggers, then you end up doing even more damage and healing Ares back up a bit so the overall damage to himself is minuscule. His green ability is a great finisher, and also good against teams without green users. If they do have green users, use it to kill them so your opponent won't benefit from the green AP they get.

    Never get rid of any 3* covers, they are hard to come by, and many events require you to possess even a single cover of certain 3* heroes.

    Use you HP on roster slots until you get at least 20.

    Looking at your list, if you had to get rid of a second hero besides bagman, I would go with cap. He's really easy to get covers again for (seems like half of pulls from heroic tokens are cap lol), and he's generally useless unless he's boosted for certain tournaments, which granted happens a lot. Alternatively, sell iron man 35 and use the ISO to level the heroes you are using.
  • Thanks a lot for the replies and suggestions. icon_e_smile.gif This really helped a lot. Got rid of BagMan and MBW, recruited Ragnarok and Daken in their place. Magneto and Hawkeye can wait for now (they still have 6 and 5 days respectively left on the counter). Didn't get much ISO out of the two sold chars (about 3k in total), I'll hold on to that for now, been keeping a steady 30ish position in Simulator, so unless nothing changes, I'll probably want to invest a bit into Psylocke and see how she fares against others.

    And yes, I agree - this thing is like Pokemon... icon_cry.gif