Suggestions for best tourney team

TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I'm looking for suggestions for best 2 or 3* tourney team (PvP). What strategies work with these teams and do you use a balance of offense and defense or just worry about winning each match?

Lets take out characters that are going to be balanced such as Magneto and Wolverine.

For example, someone suggested Patch, Loki, and Hulk once to me. Patch gets you devastating strike tiles, Loki takes theirs and turns it into defense, Hulk is a deterrent and meat shield.


  • The top three in the recent elite tournament won with Spidey/GSBW/Hulk.

    But with Spiderman getting nerfed soon, that might not be the case in the future. So, a Patch/IM40(or Loki)/Hulk team might be the next 'best' team. Extremely 'tanky' and with the ability to put some damage down. The big downside is that Hulk's green can destroy his own strike tiles (if the AI is using him).
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Best 2* team definitely goes to Wolvie/OBW/and either Ares or Thor (probably Ares).

    Main idea here is that Wolvie generates strike tiles and OBW espionages with them. Ares/Thor is there mainly for the yellow, but can also use green/red if the situation arises for it. This team also covers the entire color rainbow (barring black, arguably due to the lack of an active), and is pretty much the 2* dream team.
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not sure that I would pick IM40 over Loki in a Hulk Patch team. You lose the ability to control Patch's downside and purple effectiveness in return for more bulk but you still run into the same issue that most patch teams run into (double edged strike sword).
  • The problem with "Best tourney team" is that it will radically change from one tournament to the next. If you want a catch all with only one buffed hero then I say Ares or Thor, Original Black Widow, and whoever the hero du-jour is.

    Otherwise it will depend entirely on who's buffed and who's allowed.
  • I think there are plenty of viable teams. Almost every 3* is good enough to use in a team right now. However, with the way shields currently work, and the nerfs to boosts, I think defense is a lot more important than offense. Rather than trying to create a team that clears ~20sec faster on average, you'll gain more net points by having people skip you and getting the occasional defensive win while shielded. The only exception to this may be Patch, who clears much faster than any other character if built 5/5/3.