Issue with event prizes

Vanderhuge Posts: 9
So a few events ago I was supposed to win a rare for my personal final standings and a rare for my coalition final standings. When I went to claim the prizes I only saw one rare and one pack. Problem was when I went to check inventory and vault I had multiple rares and packs, so I wasn't sure if I clicked to quick and missed the prizes or the game didn't show them to me, but they were in my inventory.

Since then I have been clearing my inventory of duplicates and checking if I had any new cards. Also opening all of my packs in the Vault. So this event that just finished on 9/16 (sorry forgot the name) I cleared my inventory, cleared all packs form my vault before I claimed prizes. My personal standings was #13, which should have gotten me at least a rare and a pack, and my coalition standings was #23, which again should have gotten me at least a rare and a pack. When I claimed prizes I only saw Prized Amalgam and one pack. So then I went to my inventory and set it to rare and mythic. I went through all my cards, no new cards and Prized Amalgam is the only card that says I have multiple of. Also when I went to vault I only had one pack to open.

So I'm pretty sure there is a bug that prize distribution.

Anyone else see this issue?


  • OngFatt
    OngFatt Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    I did not receive prizes for three last one either.
  • Reaganstorme
    Reaganstorme Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    You should definetly report this situation to the customer support team as well by using the in app link. Hope you get this resolved.
  • Squirreljester
    Squirreljester Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Yeah I didn't receive any rewards for the last nodes of power event that ended yesterday. It just ended, and I had to join the next one.
  • Sherwood
    Same here.

    After the last event I received the individual reward but not the coalition one.
  • Vanderhuge
    OK I will report to customer service.
  • Reaganstorme
    Reaganstorme Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Latest Nodes of Power event has failed to reward both individual amd coalition rewards for ne. Ticket raised.
  • Phineaus
    I also did not receive either end of event prizes.
  • Netatron
    Mine didn't pop up, but they were all added to my inventory.