What fat pack to buy, SOI or BFZ?

Pacone Posts: 61
edited August 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
I've spotted no recent thread on the subject, but I have read people are somewhat disapointed by SOI cards.

However, a SOI fatpack could help me get some cards for the Terrors event

Your opinion?


  • tm00
    tm00 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    I'd pick the one where I'm missing more rares, if it is close the one where I'm missing more uncommons.
  • Oberoni
    Oberoni Posts: 34
    This is utterly anecdotal, of course, but I bought BFZ last night since it's leaving soon, and I got two dual land supports and a couple other great cards.
  • Pacone
    Pacone Posts: 61
    I decided to go for SOI fat pack and while I got plenty of cards to help with side objectives, only a few were actually good.

    I was saving crystals to buy Sarkhan, but since I own kiora and ajani, I could level up Liliana and use those crystals to get me another fat pack so...under these circumstances, would you still go for SOI or BFZ?