the event thus far

ShawnP1 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
edited July 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
I must say I am thoroughly enjoying the OGW event so far. I like that its a different change of pace, I can use my control decks more. Its not a manic ribbon rush, and the rewards are nice, I got a Munda's vanguard for my ally deck!


  • I only just got to World Breaker. I feel like my blue Void-bounce-control deck's my best hope of beating it and clearing Chapter 1. Beating it without my Defenders? A challenge. Beating it while losing 10 or more creatures? Thank goodness I have defenders for that. I also am thankful it's got over 300+ HP, so this'll be a long battle requiring careful strategy.
  • nyaa
    nyaa Posts: 19
    Overall, I'd venture to say that the fights were really well designed. The big bosses were bad **** as one might expect from the Eldrazi gods (some of the other bosses were also really, really good). I liked how they eased us in at the first few challenges and spiked the difficulty significantly around the Inverter of Truth. The flavour of the matches were really good too with over-the-top abilities from some of the bosses, some of which were very apt to the bosses too. It would have been lame if the bosses were too easy (though understandably, newer players may find this a harder challenge). That said, I think the fact that people are having a discussion of the boss on this forum is a glowing plus on this event.

    The rewards were awesome too (though I know that I probably won't attempt to 100% some of the later bosses).

    The three day time frame is nice -- more would have been better but I get that the team wants to make this a race-against-time sort of thing.
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    The event has been awesome. Its also going to be helpful to newer players..... right now it will be difficult for them to achieve goals but the rewards will help and will also help them doing better in the next ones. Looking forward to the upcoming events.
  • zaann85
    zaann85 Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    I enjoyed the event as well. Definitely a nice alternative to ribbon grinding QB. Rewards were nice and I had to change up my decks a few times. Very refreshing indeed.
  • Wintersmith
    Wintersmith Posts: 76 Match Maker
    edited July 2016
    Event was really challenging. Few particularly frustratin moments. Like getting (either Inverter of Truth or World Breaker) into handlock, where I could either discard it's cards or remove played monters and AI getting one card, cascading it into full mana and after three Nissa's Renewals, three or four of those spells which let you get a free spell from library and somesuch having full hand, couple of monsters on board and getting 90 life, my Dark Petiotions and Raise Deads get me 5 Fleshbag Marauders but nothing else. Or getting ~40/~24 thopters which got Tyrant of Valakut under 30 life and AI again cascading a dragon into Claustrophobia and bashing me into oblivion with Firebird from empty board. Only time I was even close to getting Tyrant down. Oh, well. Learned a lot about this game and got some cards and crystals.
    Edit: got to Tyrant of Valakut, but no further. I think I got 100% on all but but last two from chapter 1 and maybe 3 or 4 from chapter 2.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    The bosses were a bit too difficult if you dont own decent cards, make it difficult for new players to take advantage.
    Overall great event
  • tm00
    tm00 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    My only "complaint" is that sphrinx of the final word is ridicously easy compared to both tyrant of valakut and world breaker. The last two encounters of chapter 1 felt more hard than her. It was weird. Probably just a biproduct of how the rewards were distribuited,but knowing that I reached level 15 and the harder fights came six chapters before is strange.
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Enjoyed the event a lot.
    Did almost all objectives.
    Last one missing I did not care cause of life bug making it almost impossible.

    Anyways it looks like the pve event at least for now will be this one repeated with different mythic reward.

    They did a great job, probably it is asking too much to get more encounter to cycle through weeks icon_rolleyes.gif
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    I loved the event. I really appreciate the time and effort the developers went into to create it. As far as I'm concerned, they can create a new event every day by resetting Story Mode and adding a prize at the end.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would have liked to see more OGW card/pack rewards, but otherwise enjoyed it quite a bit.

    I dislike the entry barrier for people who are relative newcomers or don't have oodles of mythics and rares at their command.
  • ShawnP1
    ShawnP1 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    I agree they should make an event for new comers and I prefer crystals over packs personally, I want to finally get Ajani or Sarkhan
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    I'd rather be a newbie playing this event than a newbie trying to win anything in PvP mode. If you're brand new, you'd be lucky to win 10 crystals and a 3-card booster playing 8 hours a day.

    In the event, the first 5 or 6 levels on each side could have been won by a brand new player with a level 1 Nissa playing her default deck.

    It was possible to win at least 30 crystals per level by beating all of the objectives. Anyone could have easily gotten enough crystals to at least buy a Fat Pack.

    This wasn't any worse than the harder levels of Story Mode. You wouldn't expect a newbie to beat the level 143 Ulamog in Battle For Zendikar's last story mode. And if they did, they'd get a lot less for their efforts than they'd get in the recent event.
  • buffbeardo
    buffbeardo Posts: 154
    I love this event! Challenging yet rewarding! This event forced me to employ cards I've never used thus far! Plus, no human bots to contend with! Lol!
  • fox1342
    fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
    I thought the spike was a bit rapid - it went from trivial to hard without anything for medium level players to engage with. But generally a nice change. Happy to repeat especially if they re-open the crystal rewards!
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 978 Critical Contributor
    I loved the event!!!

    It was severely challenging but winnable. And without having to expend 16 hours of play during the weekend.

    Keep up the good work!
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    What excites me the most is that it seems like this'll be a regular thing. Suddenly we can earn at least 150 crystals each weekend, perhaps up to 200. I might be getting Kiora rather earlier than the months of grinding colour challenge in story mode that I'd thought.

    I might... even... possibly... spend some crystals on packs.
  • PapiLouis4
    PapiLouis4 Posts: 113
    alextfish wrote:
    What excites me the most is that it seems like this'll be a regular thing. Suddenly we can earn at least 150 crystals each weekend, perhaps up to 200. I might be getting Kiora rather earlier than the months of grinding colour challenge in story mode that I'd thought.

    I might... even... possibly... spend some crystals on packs.
    i got about 400 crystals from the pve event, so yeah....more big boxes icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    Yup, you're right. I went into this weekend's event with about 600 crystals, and by the end of it I have Kiora and ~50 crystals left over icon_e_biggrin.gif

    ...Now to scrounge up enough runes to get Kiora up to a decent level... though even at only level 22 she can do some crazy things. Great fun.
  • Both events have been fun and challenging. I have been able to get through chapter 1 both times. The last few fights in chapter 2 I have not been able to build a deck to beat them. Both rewards from defeating chapter 1 ended up being doubles of ones I had already gotten, so that was a waste. I just don't have the mythics and rares to get through chapter two. All the advice given in the forums lists multiple cards I don't have as 'must haves,' and I have been playing since the game was released.
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    I suspect you could beat Tyrant and Kozilek with a level 55-60 Gideon 1 with only commons and uncommons. As long as you've got a couple of first strike / double strike creatures (the best two are uncommon, Consul's Lieutenant and Iroas's Champion, though the rare Knight of the White Orchid is fine as well), a few removal spells (Smite the Monstrous is the best and that's common) and a couple of ways to stay alive or regain life (I use the uncommon Knightly Valor and War Oracle and the common Enshrouding Mist; you could also use Blood-Cursed Knight or even Enlightened Ascetic, because you'll be pumping your creatures with Gideon's middle/top ability and Knightly Valor). None of the rares in my Kozilek-beating Gideon deck are "must have" at all (I only used 3: Suppression Bonds, Sword of the Animist and Knight of the White Orchid).