Who to spend ISOs anf HPs now?

edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Hi, all
I am currently trying to make my 2** to 3*** transition. Currently mainly using OBW(3/5/5) 80, Wolverine** (5/5/3) 85, Punisher (3/5/4) 80. I also have Spiderman (3/5/3) 30, Hulk (5/3/3) 77 and Wolverine Patch (3/5/5) 60.

Who do you think I should invest ISOs in right now? Is it worth spending HP on Punisher red and Hulk black ? Thanks for help.


  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not punisher red. You're not level capped and the step up from 4 to 5 isn't that massive that you can't wait for it to fall to you.

    Hulk black is apparently the hardest to acquire, and each step up is significant.

    Edit: I have seen a lot of people looking for Hulk red covers, so maybe scarcity has shifted
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I generally dislike spending HP on covers since it's better spent on shields / roster slots imo. For iso, your main choice is Punisher vs Patch (I don't like Hulk until you have 5 black): Patch is more powerful, but the team has to be built around him due to best there is. Punisher is more versatile (fits in pretty much any team), but his abilities aren't as strong. I think if you ever wanted a Patch in your main 3* roster, you should level him first so that he always gets tile priority for best there is.
  • Thanks for the tips. icon_e_smile.gif I think I will go for Patch first.