
ChrisTot Posts: 167
edited May 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Looks like the compensation ended up being 100 crystals.

I spent 1800 crystals under the false pretense that every card was available and the compensation is 100 crystals for (everyone)?
This is unacceptable customer service in every part of life. Should have been an obvious refund. There should have been an even bigger refund for destroying the drop rates from how they used to be without announcing that either.

What a joke. I reinstalled for the first time in 10 days to entertain the idea of them making it right.
Looks like that wasn't even worth my time.


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  • I am sad to hear that. I was expecting a big box, minimum, from how sorry they felt and how eager they were to compensate icon_e_sad.gif

    Instead we are given 1/6 of a big box, or 1/2.5 of a new overpriced (both in crystals and $$) planeswalker.

    Can you freaking imagine what would happen if MtG: the real game had released a new set without all the cards in it? Lawsuit?? Or if Wizards then said, "Sorry about that. But just FYI all sets going forward will be like this, too. Incomplete."

    What would happen to the Magic brand?
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    I am sad to hear that. I was expecting a big box, minimum, from how sorry they felt and how eager they were to compensate icon_e_sad.gif

    Instead we are given 1/6 of a big box, or 1/2.5 of a new overpriced (both in crystals and $$) planeswalker.

    Can you freaking imagine what would happen if MtG: the real game had released a new set without all the cards in it? Lawsuit?? Or if Wizards then said, "Sorry about that. But just FYI all sets going forward will be like this, too. Incomplete."

    What would happen to the Magic brand?

    It's just kind of ****. I imagine the biggest time to purchase new packs is after a new release, so they had all these people buy packs and now the compensation is so small in comparison to what I, and a lot of others purchased. Let's not beat around the bush, you guys (MTGPQ) sold me something that was not as advertised; don't you think that I'm entitled to at least a full refund in store credit? What you've done, accidental or not, amounts to a classic bait and switch tactic. You can't just give out a blanket pittance and expect that to make up for what essentially amounts to fraud.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    Meto5000 wrote:

    It's just kind of ****. I imagine the biggest time to purchase new packs is after a new release, so they had all these people buy packs and now the compensation is so small in comparison to what I, and a lot of others purchased. Let's not beat around the bush, you guys (MTGPQ) sold me something that was not as advertised; don't you think that I'm entitled to at least a full refund in store credit? What you've done, accidental or not, amounts to a classic bait and switch tactic. You can't just give out a blanket pittance and expect that to make up for what essentially amounts to fraud.

    I imagine that people could easily get Apple Store refunds for all crystals bought and spent on the new cards. Just depends how patient and nice people are to Apple's customer service. But the opportunity is definitely there for a one time refund. It's a win-win too because you'd get your money back and Apple wouldn't be punished: D3 would have the money come out of their account.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    ChrisTot wrote:
    I imagine that people could easily get Apple Store refunds for all crystals bought and spent on the new cards. Just depends how patient and nice people are to Apple's customer service. But the opportunity is definitely there for a one time refund. It's a win-win too because you'd get your money back and Apple wouldn't be punished: D3 would have the money come out of their account.

    I'm hesitant to suggest that anyone do this before an official response is made, at least with the android store if you get a refund in this way, the developer may have the option to shut you out of your account forever. I also urge you to at least try and broach this issue with customer service first (as I will be doing if the official statement confirms that the 100 crystals is indeed the compensation for the missing cards issue).

    Edit: Per Google's refund request page ->
    You may lose access to any refunded content. If you get a refund for in-app purchases, the app’s developer may choose to remove content, progress, or access to the app.
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    In my opinion:
    - big box would have been ok refund.
    - fat pack was lackluster but more realistic

    - another option even better could have been a special pack with X RARES and Y mythics(probably 4-2?) cause the main problem was that the missing cards are rares and mythics.

    Instead what we got is half a fat pack basically.
  • Flaricus
    Flaricus Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Ya, I wont be going the route of refund. I did drop around 30 on this round hoping for me Lantern scout.
    I was hoping for a big box or AT LEAST 200 crystals for a fat pack.
    I am fairly saddened to think that 100 crystals is what they think is a suitable compensation for the issue,
    I am just going to be cutting back on playing and will be soured by this.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    Meto5000 wrote:

    I'm hesitant to suggest that anyone do this before an official response is made, at least with the android store if you get a refund in this way, the developer may have the option to shut you out of your account forever. I also urge you to at least try and broach this issue with customer service first (as I will be doing if the official statement confirms that the 100 crystals is indeed the compensation for the missing cards issue).

    Edit: Per Google's refund request page ->

    Correct, you should always contact the developer to see what they said. I contacted Hibernum_JC 5 days ago about it and got no response via PM. Seems to me that silence and a 100 crystals to everyone IS the response.
  • Flaricus
    Flaricus Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Just got on, its 100 crystals. Just 300 off what I am saving for. Oh, well, I will slow down my playing till events begin. icon_cry.gif
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    ChrisTot wrote:
    Correct, you should always contact the developer to see what they said. I contacted Hibernum_JC 5 days ago about it and got no response via PM. Seems to me that silence and a 100 crystals to everyone IS the response.

    JC isn't the guy who's going to be able to respond to any of this. He's just the game designer. It's not fair to lay the blame about any of this on him, or to expect him to respond to a PM regarding compensation. Sadly, because he's the one we see the most of it's easy to direct blame his way. D3Go is the publisher and the ones responsible for the compensation, but we don't ever see them in these parts of the forums.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    edited May 2016
    Want to know a secret? I got a reward for creating a concept card. I told a mod my user ID and they deposited crystals RIGHT into my account. They have the power to give everyone more than 100 crystals. They have the power to give me 100 crystals for the confusion and 1800 crystals on the house because of their bad on my big box purchases. They could do this to specially me, and they could give you 1200 or 2400, or 3000 or however many crystals people spent on packs. But instead, they think that 100 crystals is satisfactory. Couldn't be any more out of touch with the player base on that if they tried.

    Whether or not they choose to remove the cards I received in my big boxes is on them, but it's not a big deal anyway. Could easily be a good faith measure. And even if they let me keep all my cards and open up 42 more packs, i would still have less rares and mythics in my 84 packs then i would have had in February opening up 42 packs of the origin set.

    Lots of easy ways for them to fix things in good faith. Instead..looks like they would rather see how little they can give.
  • It's interesting that they said the 100 crystals were an apology for in game bugs. Not that they were apologizing for lying and misleading us. They basically didn't own it at all.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    Meto5000 wrote:

    JC isn't the guy who's going to be able to respond to any of this. He's just the game designer. It's not fair to lay the blame about any of this on him, or to expect him to respond to a PM regarding compensation. Sadly, because he's the one we see the most of it's easy to direct blame his way. D3Go is the publisher and the ones responsible for the compensation, but we don't ever see them in these parts of the forums.

    It's easy to delegate something to the correct department and communicate progress. It's easy to respond to a PM and say "create a ticket on this issue" or contact a different mod about it. Or, like he's done in the past.."I'll send this one up to the powers to be."

    I've also created issues on tickets in the past, like when i was in first place for a QB and then switched planes walkers and my progress was reset to 0. The people in charge of the tickets said that there would be compensation at a later date, and then told everyone that there would not be compensation on that issue anymore.

    I haven't created a ticket on this issue based on the feedback I've had in the past. Like I said, I've also spent no money on this game so it makes things different for me. If I did spend money on this game, i'd have a real reason to want an answer. Because I spent no money, there's no way to be paid back and nothing Apple can do about it even if i wanted them to.

    Although I don't blame him for the state of the game, I don't really care whose fault it is..I'm not here to figure out who's responsible for this being what we got. I'm here to talk about this being what we got.

    We got 100 crystals. Period. Doesn't matter whose fault it is. Who cares who is responsible? I care about the state of the game, and that is all. Hibernum_JC, is an outstanding guy. He probably asked someone up high what he should respond to my message and a PR team most likely told him not to respond. I don't care who is in charge of the PR team, who hired the people in charge of hiring the people in charge of the PR team, or why the company was named D3. I'm a fellow app developer for a different company so i know how little control a dev has (and for what Hibernum_JC does have control over he does an outstanding job).

    The game looks completely different than how it looked in February. The game play is well designed and has received nice improvements, but the marketing team is laughing all the way to the bank.
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    Im backing up chris on this one.

    Whoever thoughts 100 crystals were enough should be fired, but i dont care anymore

  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    I spent around 1600 crystal too. 100 for compensation is too low and I dint think that is being ungrateful. The lack if info looks more like it was done in purpose, considering mediocre compensation and a general the over pricing all over the board. Looks like d3 was even reluctant to compensate and settled for 100. Im not sure if this is pure greed, being out of touch or bad marketing.
  • nexus13
    nexus13 Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    Until otherwise stated by an official rep I'm going to assume the 100 crystals is for bugs as they said and that the card release issue has a separate compensation that is still on the way. I doubt everyone will be pleased with whatever it is but I don't think this 100 crystals is for the card release issue.
  • buffbeardo
    buffbeardo Posts: 154
    nexus13 wrote:
    Until otherwise stated by an official rep I'm going to assume the 100 crystals is for bugs as they said and that the card release issue has a separate compensation that is still on the way. I doubt everyone will be pleased with whatever it is but I don't think this 100 crystals is for the card release issue.

    Wishful thinking but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you'all. Based on my experience with d3go, 100 crystals is all you shall receive. That's what they do. icon_rolleyes.gif


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