You know you're on tilt when...

AngryGerman Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
edited April 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
You use Animist's Awakening and perfectly set up the enemy Nissa with 3 match 5s...

I mean, how does that even happen?


  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    I've noticed that as good as Animist's Awakening can be, there are times when it can feel like a kick in the gut when you cast it. Also, casting a second Animist's Awakening on the same turn is bugged as hell. I have a screenshot where after I've cast a second Animist's Awakening which results in multiple match 5s that do not trigger, they just sit there and do nothing -- until my opponent's turn when they all pop and he vomits his entire hand onto the board. Yay.