i have never asked for advice before, but...

edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
What team composition do you think I should go for as my A team? I'm an ADHD leveler as you'll see.

I have a 115 rags (sigh), 115 Punisher, 120 hulk, 90 magneto, 90 doom, 90 spidey, 80 IM40, and the soon to be 230 xforce I'm sitting on in hopes his buff is significant.

I have max covers but only level 40-50 for patch(not leveling unless xforce rebalance underwhelms) gsbw, hood and Loki

My useful 2* covers (ares, Thor, obw) are in the level 70-80 range.

I am a little annoyed that I spread my ISO out so much (I have limited play time with my restaurant being so busy lately [double edged sword of success], so grinding ISO has...ground to a halt)

I want to focus in and get one full team with an alternate or two. My thought is Punisher, Xforce, and either gsbw or hood for offence and Hulk/Xforce/hood on defense. I'm assuming spidey and mags will be obliviated shortly.

What the hell should I do? Keep sitting on ISO until funbalancing finishes? Level GSBW or Hood? Go outside once in awhile?


  • I'm not at your level (probably a tier below you), but if I see a +100 lvl Punisher/Hulk/whoever else, I'm going to hit the skip button.
  • mischiefmaker
    Hard to give advice to someone in your situation, especially since so much is riding on the upcoming XForce/Spidey/Magneto changes. If I were you I'd just hoard my ISO until those hit (I'm guessing you don't have any problem placing wherever you want in whatever events you want).

    If you really have to level someone right now, if it were me I'd go with Patch or Magneto, who I'd rate 1-2 in the meta right now (but obviously with the attendant risk of funbalancing, plus you're going to need to level Patch a whole lot to outlevel Hulk).

    Also, depending on where you live and how cold it is, I'd go outside, that's good for you.
  • Hard to give advice to someone in your situation, especially since so much is riding on the upcoming XForce/Spidey/Magneto changes. If I were you I'd just hoard my ISO until those hit (I'm guessing you don't have any problem placing wherever you want in whatever events you want).

    If you really have to level someone right now, if it were me I'd go with Patch or Magneto, who I'd rate 1-2 in the meta right now (but obviously with the attendant risk of funbalancing, plus you're going to need to level Patch a whole lot to outlevel Hulk).

    Also, depending on where you live and how cold it is, I'd go outside, that's good for you.

    Yeah, I can appreciate how hard it is to come up with a good direction to go, which is why I threw it out there icon_e_smile.gif

    Magneto I would level, but everything I use him for (match 5's, and magnetic translocation) are just as effective at 90 as 141. Plus I'm afraid of investing before he changes. Patch...well I guess it wouldn't hurt to level to sub in when xforce is hurt (can you tell I REALLY want him updated), but I was trying to avoid duplicates until I'm done with my A team
  • Play who you like. All those characters are viable. Spidey may arguably be the only must-have, but even in his supposed current OP state, he's been relegated to my B-team most of the time. Just depends on you're playstyle. I personally enjoy smashing things with Hulk. I also love Patch, but I guess you got XForce already.