Several bugs I've noticed

The most annoying issue bugging me right now is this: during the embermaw hellion #10 in chapter 2 part 1, I was attempting to do the 'sacrifice' achievement several different times... during the match I would open the info tab on the bottom of the screen to check my progress with how many creatures of mine had been killed, and that number would seem to be correct after a few of my creature deaths. However, after checking that tab later on during the match, after many more of my creatures died, there would be no change to that tracking statistic no matter how many more of my creatures died and this issue forced me to fail that achievement at every attempt.

Another bug I've noticed is minor, but makes your game look rather incomplete and thus, unprofessional. That being, the objectives called 'defenseless' have bad description text that states: "Summon no creatures with 0 during a single fight" The way that's stated, it is very very confusing as to what that means. After trying several things, I finally found that the 0 is supposed to mean the vigilant or defender traits...

A 3rd issue I've found is some basic grammar (also makes your game look unprofessional, and the writer/programmer look stupid). Several descriptions state things like: Anti-Magic "Cast 2 or less spells during a single fight". That should instead be written: "Cast 2 or fewer spells..."

A 4th issue had to do with a lack of server connectivity when I was trying to buy a cheap 3 card pack for 225 basic tokens, resulting in a loss of those tokens and no cards given to me, when I was forced to restart the program after it stopped responding after giving the no-connection message.


  • First bug was already noted, you can just read the other topics in this forum. Most of the others have been noted as well. I suggest you open a ticket. It's the only way to make them accountable.
  • I have found that a lot of the ones that are "sacrifice" are actually kill the opponents creatures.