broken broken broken

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
This is now seeming like PvE event number two that is broken.
New players with lvl 20 to lvl 50 1 and 2 star guys are munching through missions cake wake enemy lvls.
While mid to high lvl player are dealing with mostly lvl 200 to 230 guys.
This isn't fun, with how long matches take and the insane one shot team kills from high lvls it's more like work than fun.
Where's the "funbalanced" now?
Where's the "fixing" the devs were working on?
seems like the fix was like pouring gasoline on a fire with hopes it would be put out.
yeah its a liquid, I'm sure that would work. Lol
Seriously my only hope to do well now is start a new account and win with **** 1 stars and **** rosters.
Excuse me while my useless 30 characters who I've spent developing since first week of October are no longer as good as noobs.
Like the noob who is rocking that lvl 40 iron man 35 and lvl 35 modern black widow and lvl 38 classic storm in first place of my bracket.. I'm sure he must have mastered his way to first all on skill. Lol
he's only ahead by a 1000 points, I'm sure I can catch up with my lvl 60 classic storm lvl 60 Grey suit and lvl 85 spiderman. lol

serious devs, I know you are trying to fix this. But as it stands, it's broken. Again. In like a millions pieces. Lol

My only wish is that the real fun comes back. My nightmare is that i am really hoping that this isn't some scam to lure and cater to new players and make them feel empowered to spend and to rate highly this game.

i look forward to hearing some feedback from the devs as to how is the scaling working. Does the fact that someone who has many characters and or lots of lvls and skills amongst them create a bigger enemy calculation?


  • eMAN711 wrote:
    My nightmare is that i am really hoping that this isn't some scam to lure and cater to new players and make them feel empowered to spend and to rate highly this game.

    Of course that's what it is. When something feels off, it often is.

    Edit: The other lure is to make characters you've invested in obsolete by nerfing them, or reducing the pool of characters you can use so you spend more money on new/other characters... then they nerf those too. Rinse and repeat. The new scaling of enemies makes it even more obvious. The problem is, it's too obvious and they're going to lose players and money instead of making more. Everyone loses. Yay greed.
  • ive really been giving it a shot through this broken tourney. when all opponents are 230, i basically have to play a perfect game AND get insansely lucky just to make it out alive from 1 fight. and im running full cover 90-100 lv 3* squads.

    this is not funbalabced.

  • this is not funbalabced.

    I concur