Anderson mob levels

Enemy levels in the current PvE subevent seem bugged (or use really strange design).

The levels change even if you don't play. And in all directions. I made some notes, packs were 119/119/136/155/155/230/167/230 after I made 1st and 2nd once. Then half an hour later 135/126/115/177/154/230/169/230.

Going up after I played is one thing, but without? Like they were reflecting other people's matches mixed in. But even for that some going down is weird.

If any of this is by-design you should have announced it in the rules.


  • I noticed the same with the first mission (haven't done it yet) mine started at 80+, down to the 40's and now in the 50s without any action from me.

    Edit: Still in the 50s but going down again.
  • I agree this event is certainly bugged as it seems to work in a way to completely discourage playing it.

    I suggest it's better to submit a ticket to in addition to (or instead) of posting here, as it seems they take those a bit more seriously.
  • Bump for this bug. Really annoying, at least they could explain it to us.
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    The difficulty of the missions gets adjusted in response to the performance of all other players against those missions, as well as your performance in PvE.