Goodbye Astonishia. Hello Daken.

I don't know about you guys, but Daken is looking really great right now.

Well, previously he really sucked when you compare him to Astonishing Wolvie. I mean, 2x38 strike tiles vs 89 strike tiles.

But now, Wolvie lost both his good Strike tiles (40 damage now), and miraculously, heals much worse than Daken now for some reason. (At least try to stay true to the story, devs!)

His red got a boost, though I can't get it, cos, guess what? Still no respec. Shock and horror.

So anyway. Now, I think it's a great time to bring out the prodigal son out. I think he's even better than Wolvie now.

What do you guys think?


  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    It took me way too long to figure out what Astonishia was referring to.

    It'd be interesting to see Daken get some play. I still skip teams that use him.
  • Daken is as good as he always was. Astonishing is still better.

    Sure his strike tiles are weakened, but you now get to do 500 per slash. That's a decently powerful attack for 6 AP that happens to add strike tiles. Daken has no active abilities which works against him.
  • Nemek wrote:
    It took me way too long to figure out what Astonishia was referring to.

    It'd be interesting to see Daken get some play. I still skip teams that use him.

    Passives have gotten a lot faster, so Daken doesn't stall the game as annoyingly now.
  • Oh, one more thing to mention.

    Now that AP boosts costs way too much. Daken gets an advantage. Cos' free strike tiles. Yay.

    I skip teams with Daken too. Because the framerate for his passive is insane. If you have 2 dakens on both teams, a green match takes 30s. Can you believe that?

    The recent update improved this though. Still takes too much time though.
  • He's always been a great character. Been using him since pretty close to day 1. He got me many wins during the age of c.Storm, Rags, and Wolvie.

    I think he's "better" than Wolvie practically speaking, but not stronger as a main DPS. His strength is as a 3rd character, able to compliment many teams. He doesn't really replace Wolvie because they fulfil different roles. If you want a Wolvie replacement, I suggest Patch or Punisher.