Characters aside, what POWERS would you like to see?
ErikPeter wrote:Re Malcrof quoting me above, I actually suggested the power I was talking about immediately below your quote.
"Thorns" type reflective damage powers really make you want to save that character for last, so you don't whittle your own characters down to one-hit life before finishing off the other damage dealers. "Percentage of the damage dealt" is especially noxious; while I think that could work to discourage big hits, if the trigger value is low it really sucks to fight against unless you've got plenty of Protect tiles. There'd have to be some way to turn it off, stunning etc, or a way to turn it on (create a trap/CD tile, the reflect only happens while that tile is out).
Imagine, for a sec, a character that reflects 50% of the damage back to the enemy team. If they've got 10k HP, that means their passive is basically "do 5k damage for no cost". It'd just be a painful drain on health packs. Combine it with a healer or strike tiles and you've got even more free damage.
I think a 100% trigger could work if it was a low, static value. E.g. a version of 2-star Storm's yellow that triggered on hits of 250 (just barely over match damage) would be very strong; with a powered up character or even one strike tile out, those little retaliations would add up. Against just one of your heroes, though, it could be mitigated (and you could take them out with a big nova or two with minimal rebound.
What might be more interesting is a character that creates a weak strike (or attack) tile every time they're damaged. Against match damage and cascades they'd quickly pile up, encouraging you to finish them off as efficiently as possible, but it wouldn't be instant retaliation.
I have a thorns type damage in a moveset i created for Grey Hulk. Not as direct as you mentioned, but more of a different style of hulkbomb, if he were to take % damage, creates X strengthNumber of tiles created and strength of tiles scales with covers. So if he tanks, everyone does more damage.
0 -
Im torn between what I think would work best. In the end I think it depends on who its being used for.
% reflective damage would be more useful and would fit better as an "absorbing and redirecting damage" type character like Bishop. But there would need to be a cap on it like A Little Off The Top to keep it from getting crazy.
I do like the "create Attack tiles" suggestion tho, and would also fit the same theme. Could also do "Creates a countdown tile if none already exist that boosts X character's damage" to give it more umpf, but restricting it a bit. Tho that may hit too close to Vision the more I think about it.
Static damage would be (theme-wise) for characters that are dangerous to get close to for what ever reason (spikes, combat skill, gas/poison) and should be kept low and trigger off of lower damage. high end match damage at most. Another cool idea could be instead to have something like "When X character is dealt Y amount of damage, X character destroys a random enemy special tile (types increasing with covers)" as another way to have something that says "I can hit him, but its going to hurt me to do so in a minor way"0 -
Alexraven wrote:Could also do "Creates a countdown tile if none already exist that boosts X character's damage" to give it more umpf, but restricting it a bit. Tho that may hit too close to Vision the more I think about it.
check this out
I love making movesets, this is probably the most fun thing on the forum0 -
I'd like another OBW Espionage-type power, but simply minor team damage when you make a match in certain colors. It'd stack with Strikes really well. Something like this old Cyclops spec I did.
Piercing Beam Purple (PASSIVE)
Cyclops' visor allows him to control his energy beams with precision, bouncing them off of any solid object. When he makes a Purple match, deal match damage to each other enemy.
Level 2: Also damage each other enemy when he makes a Blue match.
Level 3: Cyclops' purple match damage ignores enemy Protect tiles.
Level 4: Cyclops' blue match damage ignores enemy Protect tiles.
Level 5: Enemy protect tiles count as friendly strike tiles when making a Purple match.
Simply upping the damage each rank isn't enough since you don't want it to get out of control but you want it to be worth upping. E.g. even going from 100 to 200 is pretty useless. So instead I added situational benefits. I don't like the rank 5 ability anymore because it's too swingy--usually pointless but sometimes game breaking.0 -
Destructive Omens (PASSIVE)
At the start of each turn, create a low-strength Strike tile if fewer than 16 exist. If 16 or more exist, destroy them all and deal moderate damage to the enemy team. Destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP.Reinforce 6 AP
Add 2 medium-strength Protect tiles to the board, then increase all friendly Protect tiles by x (a decent amount).Krush 15 AP.
Deal high damage. AP cost is reduced by 1 for each enemy Strike tile on the board (minimum 5 AP)Krunch 10 AP.
Deal high damage. Shatter up to 10 red tiles (gaining AP).I Work Alone 7 AP
Randomly convert your team's Team-Up AP into non-Black, non-Team-Up AP of different colors.0 -
Hey Erik! Is it okay if I post every single power concept that I made from the past posts in this forum? I feel like you may have missed out a few posts that I made, so here goes:
Mr. Fantastic (Smartest Man Alive)Elastic Containment (Reed stretches his entire body to trap the enemy team. Stuns for 3 turns?)
Flexible Thinking (As the world's smartest man, Reed puts his intelligence to use by providing his team more AP)
Negative Zone Portal (Mr. Fantastic uses his gadgets to create a wormhole that leads into the Negative Zone. Creates a countdown tile in the center that destroys 3x3 tiles in the middle of the board on each enemy's turn)
Shocker (Just For Lulz)Stop Mocking Me! - Passive
Schultz is tired and sick of both enemies and allies for not taking him seriously, so he decides to take matters in his own hands and use his gauntlets to prove them wrong for messing with The Shocker. Create a random Tile with 35 strength every time Shocker takes damage.Vibro-Smashers - 6 AP
Shocker's gauntlets create a series of rapid-succession high-pressure air blasts that result in a series of powerful impacts. Select a tile that will destroys tiles 2x2, but does not generate AP. Inflict 100 damageInsulated Suit - Passive
Thanks to the protection the suit provides, Schultz is safe from the feedback of his gauntlets. However, that still doesn't stop him from being the punching bag of the Marvel community. Shocker absorbs 50% of all damages made by the enemy.
Captain America (Sam Wilson)Wings Of Liberty 10 AP: Captain America uplifts the team's morale as he spread his upgraded wings to set his allies free from the enemy and ready for a counter attack. Decrease strength of 2 enemy Attack tiles of each color by 10%. If there are none of a color, place a 2-turn CD that creates 3 special tiles of strength ?? when resolved.
Air Force Sentinels 11 AP: Thanks to Redwing and his flight-bound allies, the Captain can defend from the skies by intercepting incoming enemy countdown tiles. They keep the enemy occupied, stunning the target for 1 turn plus 1 for every 3 Countdown tiles in play (max 3 turns). PASSIVE: Redwing (also gives 3 AP when he returns, but not if CD is destroyed).
Strike Team Coordination 9 AP: Cap tosses his shield strategically knocking out several targets at once while his allies proceed to take advantage. Hits the target for ?? damage and destroys up to 2 enemy tiles in the 8 tiles surrounding his shield 3-turn CD (targets basic tiles). Boosts strength of 1 friendly tile plus 1 more for every 2 enemy tiles destroyed by ??. Shield returns 5 AP.
Colossus (Juggernaut)Unstoppable Force: There is nothing that can stand in the way of the new Juggernaut as he tackles though without much effort. Destroy 6 tiles randomly and deal 300 damage to the target. Immune to stun for 3 turns after activating this ability.
Immovable Object: With the combined durability of his organic steel flesh endowed with the power of Cyttorak, Colossus cannot be hurt by less than 250 damage. Destroys 2 Attack tiles if damaged by them. No AP will be gained from their destruction.
Cyttorak's Glory: As the favorite new avatar of Cyttorak, the god of destruction gives his divine blessings to the unstoppable Colossus. When tiles are destroyed by Colossus, deal extra damage to enemy team by 500. Deal another 500 damage if Colossus is in front of the team.
X-23 (♥♥♥)Cutthroat Approach: X-23 is trained to become the living weapon. She waits until her opponents drop their guard and aim for the kill. Invisible enemy can be targeted.
Rage Trigger: Enemies provoking X-23 shall learn the consequences as Laurel recklessly charges in a path of utter annihilation. Deal extra damage for every enemy Attack tile on the board.
Accelerated Healing Factor: As the female clone of Wolverine, Laurel inherits the regenerative power to recover from any damage taken in battle. Heals on every turn. (Passive)
Anti-Venom (Eddie Brock)
Blood Clotting System: Anti-Venom's symbiote repairs cellular damage its host suffers from enemy attacks. Recover health points based on the number of(Web Tiles) on the board. (Passive) Anti-Venom is immune to bleeding.
Vaccination Tendrils: Diseases and viruses won't stand a chance so long as Brock possesses the power to wipe them out. With the remnant symbiote bonding to Brock's white blood cells, the enemy target will weaken under Anti-Venom's contamination cleansing. (Spend your entire black AP and destroy all
(Web Tiles) on the board. Drain enemy's strongest AP based on how many
(Web Tiles) are used.)
Antibodies Defense: Anti-Venom prepares to counteract the enemy's offense by strengthening his immune system. Make a match with at least 3
(Web Tiles) to recover his entire team by 750 health points. (If there are no
(Web Tiles), make 3.)
Drax (Arthur Douglas)Battle Aura (Passive): Drax holds the title as "The Destroyer" for a reason. Enemy forces crumble under Drax's brutal strength. Drax heals back his health every time he makes a match with the enemy owned tile. Additionally, when Drax downs an opponent, he regains his health back based on the damage he personally delivered.
Dwi Theet: Drax mastered this form of alien martial arts to take down opponents stronger than him. The targeted opponent will get tripped and knocked out by Drax's leg sweep and follow up combo. Drax deals 3000 damage and stuns the opponent for 3 turns.
Relentless Assault (Passive): Revenge against Thanos is what motivates Drax into becoming the vengeance-driven alien as we know him. When Drax has at least 8 Green AP in stock, he will always stand in front of his team to tackle against incoming attacks.If Drax's health goes below 20%, his following abilities have modifications and additions:
For Battle Aura, all of Drax-generated tiles will have double their strength, whether it is newly made or currently exists on the board
Dwi Theet causes targeted enemy to bleed.
When a teammate goes down, Drax creates a free Strike tile with 150 strength.
Prime Directives (Passive): Despite the fact that Seyfert can't remove the "Destroy All Mutants" order, he still manages to work around the original directive by adding new directives that contradicts within the first programming. Sentinel's Anti-Mutant Weaponry changes according to its HP:
If its HP is above 50%, Sentinel's uses "Learning Program".
If its HP is between 30 - 50%, Sentinel uses "Disintegrator"
If its HP is below 30%, Sentinel uses "Self-Repair"Defensive Subroutine (Passive): Sentinel scans for possible threats and neutralizes them. Place a 3-turn Countdown Tile. If you have at least 5 Purple AP, decrease the timer by 1. Sentinel randomly scans in a 3x3 block. All enemy-owned tiles (including Web Tiles or Locked Tiles) are destroyed by Sentinel. Deal 500 damage each.
Anti-Mutant Weaponry: Juston's Sentinel still holds the arsenal capable of exterminating mutants and shielding itself from their retaliation. Depending on the enemy's threat level, Sentinel adapts accordingly to its Prime Directives:
"Learning Program": No matter how many attempts to destroy Sentinel, it can always teach itself how to keep fighting, especially if the target is a mutant. Place a defensive trap tile on the board, and every time the enemy fires off an ability, Sentinel generates a protect tile with 250 strength.
"Disintegrator": Sentinel's weapon capacity is dependent on how many AP charges he holds:
-If Sentinel holds at least 10 Green AP, it uses plasma blasts to the enemy team with an AoE damage of 750.
-If Sentinel holds at least 10 Red AP, it fires off a singular heat blast to the targeted enemy with 2000 damage.
-If Sentinel holds at least 10 Yellow AP, it charges up an electron blast that will reload itself with a Countdown Tile. Once the timer is up, 3 Charged Tiles of random color shows up on the board.
"Self-Repair": Sentinel fixes itself by recovering its HP by 2500. If you have all 30 Blue AP, spend it all to fully restore Sentinel's health.
Tri-Sentinel (Boss Like Ultron)Triple Threat (Passive): With the combined forces of Shaw's technology and Loki's sorcery, Tri Sentinel is born from merging Mark IV, V, and VI models of Sentinels together. So long as Sentinel is the one making matches, it can make up to 3 matches without having to match 5 or more tiles. If it's another teammate that makes the match instead of Tri Sentinel, end your turn immediately.
Mud-Thing (Sandman + Hydro-Man)Landslide: Mud-Thing wrecks a part of its surroundings to protect Sadie from unwanted harassment. Destroy tiles on the board in a random diagonal 5-tiles pattern (i.e. / or \ direction). Enemy team takes 3600 damage. Two random slashes of 5 tiles can be destroyed, and 40% chance of a random friendly tile with 300 strength.
Quicksand: Intruders will have an unwelcoming surprise as Mud-Thing sinks them into a marsh trap. Create a 5x5 grid of trap tiles in the center of the board. If you match the traps tiles, Mud-Thing recovers a portion of its health by 250 each. If the enemy makes the match with the trap tiles, they take 800 damage and get stunned 1 turn per match (stun lasts 3 turns maximum in either side's turn). 2 AP will be lost based on which color they matched with the trap tiles.
Soulbound (Passive): Deep within the recesses of the Mud-Thing, Sandman and Hydro-Man still kept their survival instincts. When Mud-Thing is downed, he exchanges all remaining blue AP to revive itself. Must have a minimum of 8 Blue AP to revive itself after being down. Gain 500 health per blue AP consumed.
Trap tiles made by Mud-Thing's "Quicksand" cannot be disabled by enemy tiles.
For "Landslide", whenever you match 5 or more tiles from the falling tiles, create 2 friendly random tiles at 500 strength (maximum friendly tiles created is 6 per turn).
The Wasp (Janet Van Dyne)Wasp's Sting: Janet's exposure to the Pym particles focuses her bioelectricity into a compact stinger blast. Damage increased to 800. The entire enemy team can get stunned for 2 turns. Create a Strike Tile at 75 strength.
Biosynthetic Wings: Enemies cannot focus on what they're doing as Wasp flies around like an annoying distraction. Create 3 trap tiles scattered all over the board. Countdown Tiles are paused so long as at least 1 Trap tile is intact.
Pym Particles: With her husband's revolutionary invention, Janet shrinks down to the size of a wasp and fights like the lethal insect. Create a 4 turn Countdown Tile, and Wasp gains additional effects and powerups for her respective abilities, but takes double the damage dealt by the enemy.
Wasp's Sting: Every time the target gets hit by a Wasp's Sting, the stun duration is doubled. (1 turn stun -> 2 turn stun -> 4 turn stun)
Biosynthetic Wings: Wasp's trap tiles randomly shuffles into a new location
Lady Sif (Warriors Three)Volstagg's Muscles: Sif commands her pudgy brother-in-arms to jump in and hold the front lines as she prepares for an assault. Drain both red and yellow AP in exchange for generating Shield and Strike Tiles. For every 4 Red and Yellow AP spent, create a shield tile and strike tile with 320 strength each. If you have more than 10 Red and 10 Yellow AP, combine 3 existing shield tiles on the board into one shield tile and 3 existing strike tiles on the board into one strike tile equal to the sum of the tiles that are combined.
Hogun's Potions: A warrior's need to rejuvenate back into fighting condition is possible thanks to Asgard's special Elixir of Recovery. Restore Sif and her team's health by 1500 points. If you have at least 15 Purple AP, drain all Purple AP so Sif and her team can restore an additional 2500 to their health and stop their bleeding.
Fandrall's Whistles: By calling out Firehooves, the most trustworthy steed leads the cavalry as they have arrived to overrun the battlefield. Deal 2500 damage to the enemy team and an additional 2000 damage to whichever enemy is in the front. If you have at least 12 Black AP, drain all Black AP to generate Attack Tiles. For every 4 Black AP spent, generate an Attack tile with 175 strength.
Enchantress (Amora)Disruptive Blight: Every spell that Enchantress casts upon will leave a poisonous touch behind. Create 4 trap tiles on the board. If Enchantress and her team makes the match with the trap tiles, they gain 3 bonus AP of a random color. If the enemy makes a match with the trap tile, they lose half of the AP corresponding to the color that was matched.
Chaotic Chant: Enchantress shall demonstrate why even the Trickster God Loki is impressed with her proficiency in the mystical dark magic. Convert 6 random enemy special tiles into friendly 2 turn Countdown Tiles. Enchantress is healed by 1200 per converted tile.
Seductive Kiss: Amora enchants her lips to enslave whoever is unfortunate enough to touch her mouth to mouth. Target one enemy that will go under an Infatuation timer by 5 turns, but the affected enemy cannot make any matches until the infatuation timer is up (think of reverse Fastball Special). Additionally, when the timer is up, deplete one color of the enemy's AP to zero after their ability backfires against them.
That's all for now! If you wanna see further details, just check out my forum posts!0 -
Lots of stuff there. Wasp's Biosynthetic wings is too strong, it trivializes mook fights as they would never be able to destroy the trap tiles. CD tiles might be fairer though, especially if she had another way to increase a friendly CD and keep it out longer.0
Maybe Wasp's Wings generate a countdown tile that destroy an enemy timer tile once, or 2x per turn.0
Still waiting for a character that uses an enemy ability against the enemy team.. a reverse fastball special.0
Rogue is a good choice for that one. I think the best spec someone did a ways back was one that added an enemy power to your team-ups and gave you some TU.
I specced out one requiring a bit more overhaul where Rogue always steals a specific power, which replaces the 'steal a power' power. But that's a lot of overhead and sometimes kind of weird (what does she steal from Nick Fury? Escape Plan, I guess, since the other two make even less sense... but...). But it did simply stun and AP drain the person if they weren't worthy which was pretty cool.
And of course you could simply make one that triggers a random power of the target. Of course then you'd get weird situations like, GSBW sniper rifling herself.
From a thematic point of view I think it'd be cool to make Rogue have to stun the enemy to steal their power and use it on them. (and her two other powers stun, like, "Life Drain" and "KO Punch". A different character, though, could just use treachery or misdirection to make it happen... So maybe that's the way to go.0 -
I've always wanted there to be a power where the tiles didn't drop from the top.
Like magneto causes the tiles to "drop" to the right, left, or up.0 -
"What doesn't kill..."
Every time [this character] takes damage create atile and a
tile equal to half the damage taken.
Only read this thread for the first time today, thought I'd suggest a twist on a few of the ideas mentioned. Another one that wants to be taken out last, or one shotted, or stunned before damage. Pretty similar to Hulk's Anger power actually.
Thinking from the angle of what game mechanics could have a power introduced that breaks them can introduce some new ideas. I was thinking there could be an anti-area of effect power. Other than 2* Storm's Yellow of course. "Passive: While [this character] is in play only the active character can take damage." No anyone planning on Wind Storming or anypowering to victory must take out [this character] first. Tank created.
Obviously don't put those two abilities together, that would lead to some massive overpowering.0 -
Divine Retribution (relatively cheap, like 6 black at max).
Places a 1-turn (2-turn at max) turn Countdown Tile. All damage dealt to your team while this tile is on the board is released when the tile activates, dealing that much damage to the enemy team.
Could be better worded. Also could be a trap tile (e.g. Daredevil) that unleashes once the tile is matched by either team, but that would be huge since it could accumulate many turns worth of damage; kinda cool, but since it's a trap it's not assured. In that form it would have to be a little more expensive--or maybe just a passive(!)--but only a little since you could always just KO the guy before it happens. Heck, yeah I like that a lot actually.Divine Retribution (PASSIVE)
At the start of your turn, creates a black trap tile if none exist. When this tile is matched, it detonates, dealing damage to the enemy equal to the amount of damage your team has taken since the trap was created.
Rank 1: The enemy has to match it, dealing 1/2 of the accumulated damage
Rank 2: Deals 3/4 of the accumulated damage
Rank 3: Detonates when matched by either team
Rank 4: Deals the full accumulated damage
Rank 5: Create 2 traps (i.e. they are more easily matched)
The thing about this power is it would be a better defensive power than an offensive one. On offense, generally the enemy team would accumulate five turns of match damage or whatever, so roughly equivalent damage to the DoT of Iron Fist's attack tile. But if your team has taken a beating (e.g., on defense they've almost taken this guy out or used big AoE like Call The Storm), suddenly the trap is an insta-kill. But it's not broken since the tile can be destroyed which resets the amount down to weak levels.
I'm just brainstorming, but wow, I am jazzed about this idea. I'm not sure Black is the perfect color for it. I assume if both traps are matched at once, the first would do full damage and the second half (or whatever), like Nick Fury's blue.0 -
Here's another one.
Nullify (PASSIVE)
At the end of your turn, if you have at least 6 purple AP, reduces the Strength of 3 random enemy special tiles by 15%.
Rank 2: Reduces special tile Strength by 20%.
Rank 3: Affects up to 5 tiles.
Rank 4: Reduce the Strength of all enemy special tiles.
Rank 5: Reduces special tile Strength by 30%.
Gradually reduces the threat from enemy strike and special tiles. I think this could be pretty solid with or without the 6 AP clause, but even though it's a drawback it is probably more interesting to have to build up a little reserve like 3* Falcon does with his blue. Definitely a 4* ability.
It could be tweaked to only affect Strike and Attack tiles if it's too strong against heavy Protect tiles (e.g. Thing, IW).0 -
Rebounding Collision. 6 AP
Deals 1700 damage to the opponent and 1700 damage to himself! If this damage would down this character, instead destroy all Green tiles on the board, healing 200 per tile destroyed. (These tiles do not deal damage or generate AP).
Rank 2-5: 2000, 2400, 3000, 3600, 4800 damage. (4* numbers could be higher).0
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