Another "who to level" thread.

Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I've got a bit over 10K ISO saved at the moment, and I'm still trying to decide who I want to spend it on. I think I have a good chance of top 10 for my Thick As Thieves bracket, so I want to optimise my chances there.

Relevant parts of my roster are:

(Hero | Skills | Current level/Max for covers)

AXM Wolverine | 5/3/5 | 85/85
Patch Wolverine | 2/2/1 | 41/41

Original Black Widow | 3/5/3 | 47/69
Grey Suit Black Widow | 2/2/1 | 41/41

Spider-man | 3/4/3 | 73/102
Punisher | 3/1/2 | 38/53

For the most part, I've been using Patch, OBW & Spidey, which has let me grind TaT down to 1pt matches without worry. I figure I have 3 options:

1. Dump it into OBW. The events over the following days are probably going to get tougher, and I'll want to keep her in play as much as possible to keep on top of countdown tiles. She's also a solid 2* pick going forward.

2. Dump it into Punisher. This would help me secure a top 45 or even top 15 finish in the current Army of One, which would net me more covers for Patch.

3. Dump it into Spidey. He's a bit beefier than OBW, both in terms of hit points and punches, and a better healer. I'm also using him to help reduce health pack spend in the Punisher PvP. I'm only hesitant due to his impending changes.

Well, typing this up has already got me thinking that Spidey is just the right choice for me right now, but I'm open to suggestion. Thanks!


  • Go for Spidey, he will be v. useful for the event and PvP till he get nerf which might take another 3-4 weeks?
    Since he's the last one on the list for nerfing.