"Don't Show This Message Again"

I would love to see a way to stop the onslaught of pop-ups that occur every time I minimize the game and come back. It gets rather annoying to have to X out of as many as three windows each time I've switched over to start a podcast or answer a text message.

"Rage and Ruin!"
"The Hunt!"
"Lightning Round!"

I've searched the settings and have turned off notifications for events, but that doesn't seem to have an effect on the pop-ups.
My suggestion is to have a simple "Don't Show This Message Again" checkbox or button. Alternately, stop sending pop-ups for events I'm already participating in. If I'm playing Rage & Ruin, I don't need to be hyped on it over and over again.

Just a quality of life improvement, but hopefully one that would be easy to implement.


  • I would love it too, especially in long PvE event, where you may stop for something without quitting, finish you match a bit later and get back all the pop up even if you had not "quit" the game
  • I'd like a change so that if I tell the game I don't want to write a review for it, I actually mean it. I don't mean ask me again tomorrow and see if I've changed my mind!