Feel betrayed by the game?

Simple solution would be to warn others or people just starting out or thinking about playing, rate it 1 star and be done with it. They clearly do not listen to the playerbase.


  • The interesting thing is that the vast vast majority of the player base doesn't have X Force and hasn't had X Force for months to cash in on how dominant he is. I'm sorry but I don't have much sympathy for those crying crocodile tears over something they knew was coming, especially when you've had many months to cash in on his benefits. Additionally, he isn't going to become useless and if you actually cared about the health of the game you'd welcome the possibility of just x force featured plus whatever.

    Hell, it isn't even new that D3 can and will make major nerfs to dominant characters but that doesn't stop people from proclaiming that they were lied to or that D3 doesn't listen. If anything, the massive change in characters shows that D3 does listen. They just don't only listen to the vets who believe they are entitled to **** on newer players until they whale up or slog through hundreds of days for your dregs.

    I can easily empathize with people who have spent hundreds of dollars and feel they haven't received their money's worth but, please, you aren't a victim.
  • The interesting thing is that the vast vast majority of the player base doesn't have X Force and hasn't had X Force for months to cash in on how dominant he is. I'm sorry but I don't have much sympathy for those crying crocodile tears over something they knew was coming, especially when you've had many months to cash in on his benefits. Additionally, he isn't going to become useless and if you actually cared about the health of the game you'd welcome the possibility of just x force featured plus whatever.

    Hell, it isn't even new that D3 can and will make major nerfs to dominant characters but that doesn't stop people from proclaiming that they were lied to or that D3 doesn't listen. If anything, the massive change in characters shows that D3 does listen. They just don't only listen to the vets who believe they are entitled to **** on newer players until they whale up or slog through hundreds of days for your dregs.

    I can easily empathize with people who have spent hundreds of dollars and feel they haven't received their money's worth but, please, you aren't a victim.

  • The interesting thing is that the vast vast majority of the player base doesn't have X Force and hasn't had X Force for months to cash in on how dominant he is. I'm sorry but I don't have much sympathy for those crying crocodile tears over something they knew was coming, especially when you've had many months to cash in on his benefits. Additionally, he isn't going to become useless and if you actually cared about the health of the game you'd welcome the possibility of just x force featured plus whatever.

    Hell, it isn't even new that D3 can and will make major nerfs to dominant characters but that doesn't stop people from proclaiming that they were lied to or that D3 doesn't listen. If anything, the massive change in characters shows that D3 does listen. They just don't only listen to the vets who believe they are entitled to **** on newer players until they whale up or slog through hundreds of days for your dregs.

    I can easily empathize with people who have spent hundreds of dollars and feel they haven't received their money's worth but, please, you aren't a victim.

    Most of the players prowling the forums have X-Force. Here have my upvote you brave brave man. .
  • Spoken like a couple of guys who probably haven't put their blood, sweat, time, or money into fully covering Mr. XForce.
  • Meh. I don't care about the forum rep points. I understand people's frustrations but myopic posts like the OPs just goes to show how completely out of touch they are with the rest of the player base.

    Also, don't pretend that the rest of us without X force haven't been grinding away. Since I've started playing PVE in the early fall, I've hit top ten for the majority of them. I've worked my butt off transitioning from nothing last summer while playing sporadically on vacation to a roster with a handful of 166 characters. Take your self indignation elsewhere. We play the game just like you.
  • So...who are the top two heroes that are your favorites, the ones you "grinded" the hardest for, or the ones that you were the most invested in maxing out? Have you chosen two? Ok, great. Here's what we are going to do. We are going to spay/neuter said heroes so that you no longer desire to use them anymore. Enjoy your game play experience! Sorry for your loss. (fart sound with mouth in hand)

    Again...you don't care about the nerfs because it doesn't affect you. Why don't you step back from yourself and think about those that it does affect? That would be wonderful. I'm sure you would be ticked off, too, if you were on the receiving end of a **** sandwich wrapped in a pretty little box with a bow on top.
  • Is this your first game that you've invested a lot of time or money into? That same speech is made across countless games. What happened to spidey, patchnedo, and sentry bombing? You knew that they can and will heavily nerf/redesign characters as they see fit.

    Go complain to google or apple. I know some people who are still playing despite getting refunds. Go get your cake and eat it too if you really feel that hurt by it all.

    Again, I understand the frustration but it's part of gaming and is hardly limited to mpq.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    LegendReborn, you sir are emulating my exact sentiments. I play everyday and only have the Xforce from the daily rewards. I would like to use more of the characters in the game and not just a few. If XF was the only character in the game and then got nerfed I would be highly upset. D3 just needs to balance more and use the nerf/buff button a little less. How do they do this, my answer is counter characters.
  • Im not posting on my behalf, I got over it with 4thor and now xforce. Changes happen, the only thing that bugs me currently is pvp and seems like many people have brackets with #1 being 700 or so.

    But the rage will continue on every other week.

    Xforce even dino helped me put together a great 3*roster so ill never be mad they paid for themselves.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,548 Chairperson of the Boards
    The interesting thing is that the vast vast majority of the player base doesn't have X Force and hasn't had X Force for months to cash in on how dominant he is. I'm sorry but I don't have much sympathy for those crying crocodile tears over something they knew was coming, especially when you've had many months to cash in on his benefits. Additionally, he isn't going to become useless and if you actually cared about the health of the game you'd welcome the possibility of just x force featured plus whatever.

    Hell, it isn't even new that D3 can and will make major nerfs to dominant characters but that doesn't stop people from proclaiming that they were lied to or that D3 doesn't listen. If anything, the massive change in characters shows that D3 does listen. They just don't only listen to the vets who believe they are entitled to **** on newer players until they whale up or slog through hundreds of days for your dregs.

    I can easily empathize with people who have spent hundreds of dollars and feel they haven't received their money's worth but, please, you aren't a victim.

    Im glad this nerf came now and not in july when i could of MAX out my XFORCE (6 months you get 1 of each color and then just buy the rest of the covers on the next 99 buck sale)

    This is why im not buying KAHN or whatever her name is covers.. at 900 HP heal each time she is going to be nerfted big time