Nerf Thor and Astonishing Wolverine

come on lets bandwagon this


  • You really want that? Did you see what they did to Rags? Buffing other characters is the only way.
  • chrisf
    chrisf Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Any skill with an AP cost reduction on rankup should lose it. IM35 lost all of his very early on, Rags just lost one of his, may as well just rip that bandaid all the way off and get rid of all the AP cost reductions.
  • chrisf wrote:
    Any skill with an AP cost reduction on rankup should lose it. IM35 lost all of his very early on, Rags just lost one of his, may as well just rip that bandaid all the way off and get rid of all the AP cost reductions.

    Well the problem with AP reducing skills is that reducing 1 AP per level isn't a big deal if the skill uses 19 like Twin Pistols but it certainly is if it's like original Thunderclap at 6. Feral Claws, Myolinar, and Magnetic Field all are good candidates and the problem is that they start relatively low for a skill that gets cheaper as you rank up. Of course if you want to be consistent and get rid of it on everything including stuff like Twin Pistols that's fine too.
  • So just played thru a bit and here's my guess for when they eventually come to nerf spidey... they will nerf his heal.

    If the overall goal is to make the game slower and make you have to depend on resources more and more (buffs, heals, etc), then his being able to heal your whole team is what's over powered. His stun is amazing, don't get me wrong. But the threat to players being able to play constantly without having to pony up for a Heal or some boosts is his amazing heal.

    And how many times did we read in notes regarding why they use rubber banding that "who has fun grinding all day?" or something similar.
  • rabscutle wrote:
    So just played thru a bit and here's my guess for when they eventually come to nerf spidey... they will nerf his heal.

    If the overall goal is to make the game slower and make you have to depend on resources more and more (buffs, heals, etc), then his being able to heal your whole team is what's over powered. His stun is amazing, don't get me wrong. But the threat to players being able to play constantly without having to pony up for a Heal or some boosts is his amazing heal.

    And how many times did we read in notes regarding why they use rubber banding that "who has fun grinding all day?" or something similar.

    Problem with that is, his heal is already nothing without the web tiles that come from his stun. His purple isn't great without web tiles either. Maybe they will reduce the amount you get when you remove from a lot of web tiles, or somehow change how he creates web tiles.
  • If I were to speculate:

    they will nerf Thor's ability to generate tiles and/or the cost of his red.
    they will increase the cost of Wolverines green strike tiles and/or reduce their effectiveness.
    they will increase the cost of Spidey's stun.

    I don't think they realized they had a problem until they rolled out these past few three star characters and everyone just kind of shrugged at their abilities.
  • lol so much butthurt from DumDum. You know damn well these guys don't really need a nerf.
  • cept d3 put out their list and showed they do need a nerf.
  • I was just trolling when I made this thread but its sad that this is what we get.
  • In hindsight I do think nerfing them is the right descision, I'm sick of seeing thor and wolvie in nearly every fight and I know I'm not the only one, could they improve other characters yes, but there not deal with it.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    bongo king wrote:
    In hindsight I do think nerfing them is the right descision, I'm sick of seeing thor and wolvie in nearly every fight and I know I'm not the only one, could they improve other characters yes, but there not deal with it.
    Yep. In Double Shot Ironclad, it was primarily a game of different levels of IM40 matched with usually maxed Thor and Wolverine.

    I'll miss the heck out of Wolverine's green, but it's kinda overpowered.
  • Ronfar
    Ronfar Posts: 150
    Thor is powerful but I don't think he's game breaking. I don't get worried when I have to fight an AI controlled Thor, unlike pre-nerf Ragnarok who gets out of control quickly. If I had to change something about him I'd make his red skill cost 1 more and his green skill cost 1 less, but I don't think any action needs to be taken at all.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ronfar wrote:
    Thor is powerful but I don't think he's game breaking. I don't get worried when I have to fight an AI controlled Thor, unlike pre-nerf Ragnarok who gets out of control quickly. If I had to change something about him I'd make his red skill cost 1 more and his green skill cost 1 less, but I don't think any action needs to be taken at all.
    The only thing that makes Thor less challenging than pre-nerf Ragnarok in the AI's hand is that he requires a little more strategy to play. Do you save up your reds and wait to double-shot it and cause more cascades, or do you use it as soon as possible to try to bring a specific target down faster, etc. The AI isn't capable of this kind of critical thinking, or of target selection at all.
  • Ronfar
    Ronfar Posts: 150
    It's a lot easier to keep an AI Thor from using its abilities than a pre-nerf Ragnarok by denying it AP of the appropriate colors. It takes two red matches to use Thor's red and four matches to use his yellow. I consider myself unlucky if the AI uses Mjolnir's Might more than once or Thunder Strike at all. (Then again, I am using the "overpowered" Thor/Wolverine team myself...)
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    The problem is simple.

    They want us to spend cash. We don't do that because (current characters are more efficient). D3 are expecting people to buy into new characters; get into the weaker ones that will raise our dependence on heals / covers.

    The same thing happened with Magic The Gathering around 5th edition. They had millions of Dark Rituals, Swords to Plowshares, Lightning Bolts, etc... in place. Suddenly, they were too powerful? Wrong.

    They put them out of production and releases weaker cards hoping it'd drum up sales; get people into the new series for tournament play. Ultimately, they went back to power > cost-per-card.

    It's not just that we're getting a third Wolverine instead of our first Collosus, Iceman, Cyclops, Blob, Human Torch, Ben Grimm, Mr Fantastic, Silver Surfer, Daredevil, Deadpool, Cable, Nova, Luke Cage, Dr Strange, Black Panther, Toad, Carnage, Doc Oc, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, Ant Man, ......................

    I didn't mean to go dork on the thread, but the problem is simple. They want more characters, because it raises our interest in buying more slots.

    They want weaker characters, because it raises our chances of paying $$ for heals. I would rather pay $$ for the game and the occasional $5 for a 10-char pack ala Forza.

    That's not happening.
  • Imho, the problem with the game is that after you move to the 3* group there is little incentive to go back to the 1* and 2* heroes.
    So they can release a ton of 1* heroes and no one will care if they already have a strong 3* team. After the changes to Thor and Wolvering,
    the incentive will even smaller. I hope they move towards the solution of limiting the max * of your team.
    A 7* team can be 4/2/1, 3/3/1, 3/2/2 and this will probably make 1* and 2* important again even when you have maxed several 3*.