RQ: Retailiation improvement

Ratailiations should either expire in short time or keep the points fixed from the original game.

Currently what happens is people stockpile up retals and cause huge hits on players who actually bothered to go ahead.

I.e. I do the Sisyphus climb from 400 to 800, the opponents I got at starting point just below 500 are just sitting around, and when I finally got up, especially as the tournament approaches end they start to shell out the 40-45 hit hits where I van get back 1 full point. At the original point it would be close to even 10-20 pts at least.

What makes me want to puke and leave this game for good. Guess I'm not the only one with that.

Guess the fundamentally broken point and mmr system will stay despite all the moaning so how about at least some tweaks. For starters, retailiations should expire if certain amount of time passed or the point difference changed significantly. (I'm still not sure how mmr works, but significant change of the players' mmr brackets could be considered here too).

Another idea is to store a snapshot of the points and lock it in, not recalculating. Guess that in itself would be a fair deterrent attacking fat teams one beats in 2 rounds and long time -- while the retal would be a pushover and getting back all the points intact.


  • I think retaliation should expire some time after an opponent has logged on to see the event. It doesn't have to be fast (say, 3 hours) but you shouldn't be attacked by someone you attacked 3 days ago who's just saving you like some kind of loot pinata.